I'm currently busy with my new obsession, that is, AKB48. The damn girls have been growing on me lately, but of course, I won't forget my number one obsession, Arashi. And after their latest Arashi ni Shiyagare episode, I want to do a post on my thoughts on the new format of AniShi after its renewal recently.

I find the current format to be really good, and definitely much better than their last one. It is more similar to the show's first format, it's fun, nostalgic, yet different and better, with the members getting out there, yet without losing its original purpose, that is, for the members to do challenges. I especially am also very very very grateful and thankful to Arashi for getting rid of the food porn section that they always do on every single episode. I'm not saying they don't do it anymore, but they have limited that stuff, and that makes me happy. No need for that shit when they could do something else more interesting.

The setting (the studio and effects) after the renewal is very fun and cute, what's with the airplane and the island theme. I also approve the logo, yeah, with the wings, not a wolf head. When the promotional poster came out, the one with Arashi all golden, I found that very interesting. And yes, they look a bit weird, but I was totally fine with it, and I find it creative. The new format is this: they watch VTRs of members' adventures of learning/creating new things, whilst with a guest, whom they will learn/do something with them according to this new thing called "Arashi Calendar", which will indicate special dates of events, which then they will try and do something similar with, in the studio. And who could ever complain about this new renewal when it gets Ohno looking like this:

And Jun looking like this:
And Aiba looking like this:
And Nino looking like this, LOL:
And Sho looking like...:

The latest May 30 episode also has Ikuta Toma in it, which for some reason, makes me feel good. Like, Toma with Arashi is like he's at home or something. Everyone knows Toma is like a sixth member of Arashi, and just look at how good he looks while sitting with the five guys! Bless him. This episode definitely seem peaceful with Toma, it feels like Arashi didn't have a guest, and it's just them six boys messing around. XD
Also there was this very funny bit in the episode, during the transition after Ohno's section to Nino's section's intro. You should listen to what Sho was saying during it. He said something like how the horns and Nino's costume is similar to what Ohno was doing just now. It was just so coincidentally funny, to the point where I had to pause the video to recover from my laughter. If I say it now it's not as funny as when I'm watching it. But I'm weird so even these little things amuses me. LOL.

So the new format has each members' individual challenges, but then following that, you get an even entertaining challenge with all members in it. Even though the new format doesn't have all members going out there. And things can get messy as they do their usual crazy stuff. And knowing Arashi, they don't really have a limit, they go full with their craziness. Yeah, who cares if they are idols or not, they are total entertainers, that's what matters! The all-members challenges from the Arashi Calendar are usually the funniest part of the show, as you get to see the members trying to pull off stuff, which are usually embarrassing, but Arashi has thick skin so they are fine, cause they never really get embarrassed at what they do. LOL. Anyway, I want to comment on each members' individual sections, which I find very interesting. It's because each section has a full dedication to one member, not that we seen enough of them doing solo already, it's just that it's nice to see them doing activities that suits them and their personalities.

Ohno's section
Ohno's section is him creating/making usually hand-made products, such as pots, tooth pickers, knives, etc. Since Ohno is such an artist, him doing these kind of things makes so much sense. And it also fits his personality, since he is a patient person. Also, since Ohno is like, the cutest out of all Arashi, watching a 10-15 minute VTR of him being absolutely adorable is heaven.

Sho's section
Sho is known for his tight scheduled journeys, so his section of travelling around Japan as a tourist makes perfect sense. What Sho needs to do for his section is disguise himself while travelling, so he cannot be recognised as Sakurai Sho, otherwise the trip is over immediately. His section is actually pretty hilarious, I mean, watching a celebrity going around his own country trying to be a commoner is quite entertaining. But he usually go around children and the elderly, maybe middle aged people too, but you won't see teenagers, especially girls. No, way too risky.
So far we see Sho dressing as just a hat (that look way too girly, LMAO) with a pair of glasses. And it's just like that. And then Sho realised what they filmed has actually gone on national TV, so now if you see a Sho-lookalike with a girly-looking hat and glasses, is Sakurai Sho. So now Sho better change up his look a bit if he don't want to get recognised. Haha. I personally think those who actually coincidentally came across him were very lucky. Well, of course. Wait, is that my jealousy coming out?

Aiba's section
To be honest, to now I'm still not sure what Aiba's section is about. I feel like I'm more like watching Aiba Manabu, than anything Arashi. But it's fine, because Aiba is Aiba, so anything television variety wise, he's fine, no matter what he does.

Nino's section
Nino's section is him going to/doing things related to ancient Japan. Well, in some episodes. I personally think it's more educational than anything entertaining. Of course, Nino still find ways to make it interesting and entertaining. As I have already mentioned, the members' individual sections lets us see their personalities in full glory. And Nino is like, a god to me, he's just so... huh. This section suits him because I personally think out of all members only Nino can be such a lame ass and talk us through the history of Japan without needing to actually do anything much physically. LOL. Of course, I mean it in a good way. Nino's section is not always about this, though.

Jun's section
I know all members' sections has its own hilarity, but I personally think Jun's section is the most amusing of all. His is called This Is MJ, and the intro is him and... Michael Jackson's music. Of course. Of course.
Jun's section is him basically trying to be kakkoii but fails adorably. Not that he doesn't succeed afterwards. But the whole sunglasses thing is just too funny. Seriously, Arashi with sunglasses is a joke, haha! Even the most kakkoii MatsuJun with sunglasses is way too comical. Anyway, Jun, being Jun, goes around wearing a suit, and learns these new tricks that are supposed to make him look cool. He succeeds (sometimes), but then he also does these little acting/drama scenes that are also too funny to handle.


I think this new format is just too good. I mean, despite all the hilarious stuff they do, in the end the thing I enjoy the most is watching Arashi laughing with themselves. Nothing can be more better than watching the people you care about being all happy and laughing. Darn it, Arashi, why?? WHY??? This is the worst thing about being a fan of your idols! They don't know our existence yet we still care so much! But whatever, so long as Arashi continues to entertain my sad life, it's fine.

Anyway, Arashi ni Shiyagare is currently very interesting and definitely a must-watch, with very creative ideas and more Arashi bakaness. It is so creative that it makes me sometimes wonder whether this new format will last long. I mean, would the producers run out of ideas? Better not go there. But it's a definite approve from me. Double thumbs up for it. Keep up the great work, guys!


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