Drama Thoughts: Code Blue series

Title:「コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命-」

If you are looking for an awesome medical drama with an epic cast and characters, this is the one. This series is one of those rare dramas that give the viewers everything they want. Deep storyline, character development, emotional punch, intensity, amazing soundtrack, plus a little bit of romance. The important thing is that this drama is humble and it's not in your face, which I think it is one of the reasons why this drama is so great.

Season 1 (2008)

Season 2 (2010)

 Season 3 (2017)

Code Blue season one focuses on four young doctors, Aizawa Kosaku, Shiraishi Megumi, Hiyama Mihoko and Fujigawa Kazuo, of the fellowship (trainee program) sent to Shohoku Lifesaving Center of Shoyo Univ Hokubu Hospital to train to become flight doctors of the emergency medical services. What I love is that it mainly focuses on the personal development of our main characters rather than the medical cases. It was that raw and emotional process of watching them grow was what captured my love for this drama. The drama special was aired in 2009, and it's literally the sequel to season 1 (so make sure you don't miss it. The special contain important plot development that are crucial to the following seasons). Season 2 continues in 2010, following the trainees once again as they continue their fellowship without the guidance of their senior, Kuroda-sensei. They also have to deal with their personal lives as well as their graduation. I am especially impressed that one of them weren't able to graduate, not because I didn't want them to but it shows that not everything goes the way we want. All we can do is move forward and go our own pace. In this case, even if Hiyama wasn't able to graduate as a flight doctor, she moved on and began doing her own specialty.

Season 3 came seven years later. We can see our young doctors has grown into seniors and even help train the new fellows. I think season 3 went by in a blink. I don't think I have seen a drama this smooth before. Season 3 has all the same feels the previous seasons had, except we get to see the main characters in a more mature way. Seeing the new fellows lacking the passion that our main characters had kind of shows the reality of how younger people behave these days, which amuses me actually, lol. But that is what makes it interesting. To be honest, one of my favourite parts of this season is actually watching Aizawa-sensei taunting the fellows, which entertained me very much, haha! He reminds me of my 32-year-old brother, and his cockiness. Also in the second episode, Aizawa said to Yokomine in the helicopter, "You are the flight doctor. I'm merely just the attendant", was literally what Kuroda-sensei said to Shiraishi in the first episode of the first season. Kakkoii.

I just want to say I love that YamaP is Aizawa-sensei. In the past I never liked YamaP. But in this drama, he was just so sensual and broody, it made me fall in love. Literally. Especially in Season 3. Like, I have never seen such a handsome doctor. Also, how often do viewers get to see such a kakkoii main character? Most of the time, they downplay the main character in dramas to give spotlight to the supporting characters. But for Code Blue, they went full force with the main, and without belittling the rest. Each has their own chance to shine. I could totally imagine Aizawa-sensei as my onii-chan out there kicking ass. Okay, that's me fangirling. I also think Aragaki Yui has grown on me because of this series. Like YamaP, I have never liked her. I am not kidding. While everybody in Japan fell in love with her because of Nige Haji, I was just like, seriously guys she's no big deal. But then in this drama she was so good as Shiraishi-sensei! Maybe it's just the character I love. Hmm.

As with the acting, I usually judge dramas and movies with the acting as much as I judge songs with the vocal singing. But for some reason, with the Code Blue series, I just went with the flow, and didn't really think about the acting. I guess the story itself was just too intriguing, haha. Some people mentioned that YamaP's acting is bland and robotic, but I don't see a problem at all, not in this case anyway. Lol, can't say the same to his other performances. But with this drama, his acting made sense. Because I understand that's just the way Aizawa Kosaku is, since the beginning. I mean, what did they expect? Constant crying? There is a difference between bad acting and just acting. In this case, YamaP was just portraying who Aizawa Kosaku is. Trust me, when you see bad acting, you see it. And in this drama, everyone did their job perfectly.

Conclusion: 9 / 10 stars. Broody YamaP plus amazing cast plus exceptional plotline plus addictive soundtrack equals near perfectness. This drama series is very interesting. The only thing I am not satisfied with is that they should not have put that Hey Say Jump guy in it. No one wants to see ditsy witsy Johnny's.



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