Artist: 嵐
Release date: 2014.10.22

I was thinking, if I'm doing thought posts on ayumi hamasaki's albums, why not do Arashi's too? Why didn't I thought of that? So, I thought doing their albums too would be interesting. As the same with ayu's, I'm going to start with their most recent one: THE DIGITALIAN.

This album is special simply because it was the first album they released after I became a fan. And I've read a lot of comments on this, all good comments of course. To me, this is what an album should be like, and not as random as ayu's recent albums. I have bought both the limited and the regular edition of this album and it was totally worth it. They are both basically the same, except the LE version contains a PV and making of, whereas the RE version don't but it has an extra song that the LE version doesn't have.

When I first listened to the whole album, I thought it sounded really weird. But then after more listens, I finally understood why. It contains new sound and elements that were very different than the ones I heard before. So it took me a while to get used to it. Before this album came out, I kept thinking how the album can top after their previous album LOVE. And also how their 3 singles that were released going to fit in an album together. As always, they didn't disappoint.

They experiment with new sound yet without loosing their own sound and that can get difficult but they pulled it off anyway. And how Nino and Sho, and maybe Jun too, try and write their own lyrics. And that's also something new they did. I know some fans were afraid they might sound K-Pop, but Arashi will never sound K-Pop, simply because they aren't K-Pop. XD

And everyone has to remember that Arashi's singles are created and sound after whoever's drama/movie's theme, and then they have to fit in an album. Imagine how difficult that can be. Because the songs is going to sound vastly different from eachother, which makes it more complicated. So to be able to do that is yet another point of why this album is so great. Actually, all of Arashi's albums has to do that. So give them some credit too.

The title of this album is THE DIGITALIAN, and it was thought up by Sho. It was supposed to be, like a digital human. But then everyone was like "vegetarian! vegetarian!" and "Dig Italian! Dig Italian!". Ha, but whatever, I'm cool with it. I really love the font too. Whoever thought of the font should win a prize. It suits the album and the title so well.

The RE cover has the amazing boys looking awesome as usual. I love their costumes. And Aiba is in centre. Kya. The LE cover... ha. I remember. A lot of people were like "is that a vegetable man?" and then they were "or is it made up of the member's faces?". The LE cover is very interesting and I just think it's very creative. And it's not weird either. It's just... right.

The colour is good too. I love how it's silver and it has these lines. You can't see it in the pictures. But there are lines, kind of similar to the font, and they will be across the cover and on the discs as well. So nice. The tracks are well thought out too. It has a total of 17 tracks including the extra track that's on the RE version.

The album starts off powerful, with Zero-G. Now this song is good. It has power. It has beat. Probably the EDM that ayumi hamasaki can never pull off. It basically sums up this album, and it was a great song to use to promote this album. Before I heard this song, and it was announced it was to be called Zero-G, I got very excited immediately. (Well, it doesn't even need to be called that and I will still get excited but that's not the point) Then the song and PV came out and Kyaaaaaaaa. You have Arashi dressed up all white, sitting in a living room (??) that's made out of digital lines (but it's in fact wires if you watch the making of), and them dancing and shaking their ass like cool people who doesn't give a shit. And making weird strings of hands, eyes, and other stuff. Definitely one that I approve. Don't really get the lyrics, but the song is very danceable. **Oh shake it, shake your body, shake it, shake your body...** The choreography is by Ohno too, so give him some credit. XD

The second track is Wonderful, which is a bit... meh. But it's worth a listen to. It's actually quite nice. I seriously don't have anything else to say about this song. So on to the next track. Tell me why. It's funny cause before I heard this song but saw the title, ayumi hamasaki's Tell me why immediately came into my mind. LOL. And I kept thinking they are going to sound the same. They do sound similar. Very similar. But since ayu's was a rip-off from a Western artist, hers was less powerful. So I prefer Arashi's Tell me why more. Also, this song contains a mega orgasmic rap by Sho, that I can't get enough of. And the extremely kya-worthy **I'm so sorry...** ending by Riida. Yeah, did not know what that was about, but it gave me an eargasm.

The next track is Asterisk, where stars and supernovas and the universe immediately bursts into my mind. This song is where they go full frontal electronic with their voices. It's such a good song, and it fits the album so well. It's powerful enough on its own. Also it again contains a super orgasmic rap by Sho. I personally think the bit leading up to the rap was the most orgasmic. That's what Arashi is so good at with their music. They know how to fit the rap in perfectly. Extra credit for Sho being the rapper. XD

The fifth track introduces our first member solo song... **Do do do while... Do do do while... Toraenai mama nozomi egaite wa sotto, asa wa nagau no wa...** Imaging Crazy with Ohno's mega sexy voice. I don't know what the man is trying to do to me, but the damn song has grown on me. The first time I listened to it, I, like everybody else, thought it sounded really weird and not really our type, but the song does grow on you, so it's worth a listen. I'm also very curious of how this song is performed live. I'm wondering how Ohno has pulled this off, probably with his usual self-choreographed dance moves. But Johnny needs to hurry up and release the THE DIGITALIAN Tour, so I can find out. XD

The next track is GUTS!, yaaaay! Hands up if you love GUTS!! Well, I've already done a thought post on this song here, so skipping!

The seventh track is Aiba's solo, Disco Star. A lot people really liked this song when it first came out. And the song sounds like a second to Aiba's 2010 solo, Magical Song. Which is also full of Aiba's bursts of energy. This song basically sums up Aiba. I can imagine him being all smiley and dancing to this energetic song. I also really like how Aiba's voice has its own distinct, but when he's singing, there will be nothing special about it. What I mean is, the notes he can hit all sound the same, so it makes his singing very flat. Listen to him singing again and you will know what I mean. But this song is good, I'm cool with it.

I have realised that almost every track on this album has English titles. Which kind of makes it easier for me, haha, but whatever, it's the same either way, whether it's Japanese or English. The next track is 誰も知らない (Daremo Shiranai). This was released as a single last year, and it was used as the theme song to Ohno's drama Shinigami-kun. I don't know where to start with this song, I have so much to say. I remember Arashi making fun of the title, though, which was very funny, "No one knows...", hahaha. Very funny, guys. Anyway, this is, of course, the next single after GUTS!, and also I was still in the UK when this was released. Which means I was still in my early Arashi fan days. Haha, I remember when Arashi first performed this song on Music Station and that I would continuously loop it, just to listen to it. And also when I was watching Shinigami-kun, I would be like, listening to this song playing in the background at the end of each episode instead of focusing on the drama, it was so distracting! Ah, and the choreography! Haha! Not long after this single was released, I went on holiday around Europe, and I would be in my hotel rooms, looking at the giant mirrors and basically dance to this song all the time, which included doing those hand movements at the beginning of the song by the mirror like a complete weirdo! Reminiscing...

I also like the lyrics to Daremo Shiranai, really suits the drama as well. Both the lyrics and the tune. As I have already mentioned, Arashi knows how to make perfect drama theme songs. Probably why they kept snatching up those Best Theme Song awards. XD
Also I want to comment on Shinigami-kun. I mean, I know this is supposed to be about Daremo Shiranai, but I can't help it, it's an Ohno drama! Since Ohno, for some reason, were highly praised for his Shinigami role, I want to say my opinions too. I watched this drama and then I watched it a second time. Then I made my sister watch it too (LOL), then I rewatched it the third time. Not because it's so good. It's just that I want to know why people made it out to be so good. I mean, I know it's fantasy and you can see Ohno being his usual amazing acting self, but out of all dramas I've seen, and that includes J-dramas, Hong Kong ones (TVB) and American ones, Shinigami-kun is nothing! Like, the whole story and character punch is too weak. Maybe because Japan didn't have any other drama to top this off, LOL. But I guess that's why the drama had such low ratings. Poor Ohno. Someone needs to give Ohno a good drama. I mean, with Ohno's acting talent, he could do way better. But whatever, just my opinions!

Anyway, Daremo Shiranai has quickly became one of my favourite Arashi songs. It also contains a mega orgasmic solo by Ohno **Owaranai...!!** which is super kya-worthy. And the death themed tune of the song is very commendable as well, which includes those piano. Darn, it's good! The PV of this song is Arashi dancing in this room, sometimes in a library (??) and some kind of black and white space setting thing, LOL, I don't know.

Seriously on to the next track. This is why my posts are always so darn long! Because I uses too much space to write my own personal experiences with the songs. But I guess that's the whole point of blogging about this, right?

The nineth track is TRAP, the noisy track I mentioned in my A ONE thought post. This song kind of reminds me of their song マダ上ヲ (Mada Ue o) from their 2010 album Boku no Miteiru Fukei, minus the amazing Sho rap. It has similar power punch, but darn it's loud. I wonder what this song is going to look like performed live. Hurry up with the concert DVD, Johnny!

After that we have Jun's solo, STAY GOLD, which to me the feel of the song is kind of similar to Aiba's solo. This song has a lot of elements in it, but also without loosing pace, which is quite impressive actually. Jun's voice is the same as Aiba's, in terms of how his notes doesn't really change, flat as heck, but because Jun's voice has his own distinct as well, I'm going to give him credit. The song is worth listening to, and some bits of it actually sounds quite nice. But if I had to choose to listen to one Jun solo, it wouldn't be this one.

The eleventh track is Bittersweet. To be honest, if I really have to go on about this song, I could go on forever. As you may already know, Bittersweet is the song that made me a fan of Arashi and that Shitsuren Chocolatier is at fault. That's why I could go on forever. There is so much to say about this it deserves a separate post, but since I've already mentioned it in my thought post on Shitsuren Chocolatier, I'm not going to do it. But this song is very precious. And Arashi look nice being all Valentine-y the first time they performed this song live. They looked like angels.
Also the choreo was by Ohno, so extra amazingness from that. The PV is Arashi on a train and a train station, looking melancholy. And the whole video seemed to have somehow been influenced by Shitsuren Chocolatier. Yeah, recognise the prettiness? The first two solo lines are sung by Ohno and Nino. And these two will be the death of me. Ohno is already enough. Nino kills me more. And when Ohno and Nino come together, my poor fangirl heart will explode. Huh. This song also contains that one solo line by Jun, which is extremely kya-worthy, especially when he does it to the camera. Sigh.

The next track is メリークリスマス (Merry Christmas) by one Ninomiya Kazunari. Who, as I have mentioned many times, kills me. Literally. Thank goodness I come back to life everytime. Ha, no. Just kidding. But Nino does have some kind of weird effect on me. He was my ichiban (my favourite member) for a very long time. Until Ohno took over. But Nino is the first member I knew of, because of Letters from Iwo Jima way back in 2007. And this guy, wow, is one heck of a guy. If I have to go on about Nino, now that would take forever! But I'm not right now, because this is supposed to be about his song. I think Nino is the second best singer in Arashi after Ohno. Well, duh. And this song is again, a self-composed, self-written song by Nino. A simple Chrismasy song called Merry Christmas, that is again, has the same feeling as Jun and Aiba's solo, bursting with energy. Which is quite uncommon coming from Nino, if you compare it with his past solos. But it's refreshing to hear something different, which is why I don't understand why some fans are complaining. But whatever. The song is still great.

The next track is キミの夢を見ていた (Kimi no Yume wo Miteita), which begins with Ohno's sexy voice. This song actually makes a person feel good. No jokes. The tune are uplifting, and it's more like your typical Arashi encouraging song. Which is why I don't really have anything else to say about this. But it's a very nice song.

Even though many of the tracks on this album are good enough to be my favourite, one of my favourites has to be One Step. This song is like, perfection. Not really. But it's so good! The whistles are by Sho, by the way, which is pretty impressive. But this song, right from the beginning to the end, is very... huh. It's just too good. The song begins with Nino's amazing voice, then Aiba's, then Ohno's super smooth voice. The first verse is already kya-worthy. The bridge is first dominated by Ohno and Nino, and you know how these two kills me. Also, back to when this song was released, I looped this song in my headphones every morning as I go to work, so I have memories with this song.

The fifteenth track on this album is Sho's solo, Hey Yeah!, which again has the same feeling as Aiba, Jun and Nino's solo, where it's uplifting and bright. I actually really liked this solo when it first came out, but after a while, I got very annoyed with it. The song is so annoying to the point I just hate it. I'm just like, "shut up, Sho!" and wanted to punch him. Also, Sho's voice is the same as what I mentioned about Jun and Aiba's voice, where the notes he can hit all sound the same which makes his singing flat. It's like one straight line with his singing, it doesn't really go anywhere. But he is the rapper of the group so I'm going to give him some credit. The lyrics was written by Sho, though, I think, which I quite like.

The last track on the LE edition is Hope in the darkness, and this was the song I was the most excited about before this album was offically released. It was composed by HYDRANT, which also composed truth and Breathless and some other really good Arashi songs. So I was really looking forward to it. Well, it didn't disappoint. This song has became one of my favourite songs on this album. I can't wait to watch this performance live.

Then there's the bonus track that's on the RE version, Take Off!!!!!, yeah, with five exclaimation marks. This song is one of those special Arashi songs where they wrote the lyrics themselves, but this time the lyrics were just by Sho. But you can hear Arashi rapping again, which I enjoy very much. This song is really good and it's another one of my favourites on this album. **My fellow Arashians!** Haha, oh, bless Sho.

So that's all on my thoughts of Arashi's THE DIGITALIAN. This post is so long that I can't even be bothered anymore. LOL. But all I have to say now is that Arashi has once again created an awesome album for us fans. Unlike someone. So we're all very grateful. Keep up the good work, guys!

Conclusion: 9 / 10 stars, because not only were the tracks great, the order were great too, and also without losing pace, which is what an album is supposed to be. *cough* I'm looking at you, ayu. *cough*


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