
Showing posts from May, 2015


I'm currently busy with my new obsession, that is, AKB48. The damn girls have been growing on me lately, but of course, I won't forget my number one obsession, Arashi. And after their latest Arashi ni Shiyagare episode, I want to do a post on my thoughts on the new format of AniShi after its renewal recently. I find the current format to be really good, and definitely much better than their last one. It is more similar to the show's first format, it's fun, nostalgic, yet different and better , with the members getting out there, yet without losing its original purpose, that is, for the members to do challenges. I especially am also very very very grateful and thankful to Arashi for getting rid of the food porn section that they always do on every single episode. I'm not saying they don't do it anymore, but they have limited that stuff, and that makes me happy. No need for that shit when they could do something else more interesting. The setting (the studi

No one wants to mess with the AKB army!

Title:「僕たちは戦わない」 Artist: AKB48 Release date: 2015.05.20 I never really payed much notice of AKB48, but a lot of times they come across my path, and I can't help but give them some attention. AKB48 always seem like a giant group of bitches to me, and I know they have a lot of  male fans, because I'm sure us girls don't really want to be fans of a bunch of good-looking bitches who are all prettier than us. However, some of their music are worth mentioning because to be honest, some of them are actually quite good. Like their new single, Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai , which translates to "We will not fight" or something like that, I don't know, but I really like the song so I feel like I should use some of my time to do a song appreciation post on this. My favourite member of AKB48 is Watanabe Mayu. She's so pretty, definitely more beautiful than the others, and most of them are way too bitchy-looking to me, Mayu looks like a queen among them. And she'


Title: THE DIGITALIAN Artist: 嵐 Release date: 2014.10.22 I was thinking, if I'm doing thought posts on ayumi hamasaki's albums, why not do Arashi's too? Why didn't I thought of that? So, I thought doing their albums too would be interesting. As the same with ayu's, I'm going to start with their most recent one: THE DIGITALIAN. This album is special simply because it was the first album they released after I became a fan. And I've read a lot of comments on this, all good comments of course. To me, this is what an album should be like, and not as random as ayu's recent albums. I have bought both the limited and the regular edition of this album and it was totally worth it. They are both basically the same, except the LE version contains a PV and making of, whereas the RE version don't but it has an extra song that the LE version doesn't have. When I first listened to the whole album, I thought it sounded really weird. But then after more


Title:「青空の下、キミのとなり」 Artist: 嵐 (ARASHI) Release date: 2015.05.13   I was going to do a single review on this, but I can't be bothered, so I'm going to do a song appreciation post on this instead. Arashi, being absolutely amazing as always, released  Aozora no Shita, Kimi no Tonari as a single last week, and also as always, made a new record with Arashi's sales. Sob, so proud. And this song is so good I feel like it's worth a mention. Shout out to whoever made this song cause you're amazing!   Aozora no Shita, Kimi no Tonari , shorten as AoKimi , is the theme song to Aiba's drama, Yokoso, Wagaya e , "Welcome to my home" or something, which is a drama about a stalker stalking Aiba's family (in the drama). I haven't actually bothered to fully watch it, but I have seen snippets of it and it looked extremely boring . LOL. I don't want to be mean, but it's true. But I also can't judge it like that, so I will find time to fu

Album Thoughts: Ayumi Hamasaki / LOVE again

Title:「LOVE again」 Artist: 浜崎あゆみ Release date: 2013.02.08 Ha. Hahahahaha. Sorry. Give me a sec. I remember this album. I have so much memories with this one. So this post is going to be so long. I'll try not to go on too much. This album was released as part of ayumi hamasaki's 5-releases-5-months project thing leading up to my 17th birthday her 15th anniversary, and everyone remembered how messed up that went. At first she released two mini albums, that was oh-so-not-coincidentally called LOVE and again . Hahaha. LOL. If you combine these two mini albums, you get... LOVE again . Whoever thought this shit up should have just went home, and never went back to avex. Which is why I won't do reviews on LOVE and again , because they are the same songs as this album, but just has the remixes and instrumentals. But aren't remixes and intrumentals supposed to be on singles?? You can't dump them in an album! You can't release singles as albums! (Oh wait, sh

My Asian identity crisis

I already mentioned in one of my previous posts on how I feel about being a foreigner and all the confusion and shits that comes along with it. But I feel like this topic deserves to be a separate post itself, and also because I've found a video on YouTube that basically sums up my feelings and I totally agree with every word they say. As I have already mentioned, being an Asian living in a foreign country is not easy. But I have gradually adapted to that fact and I've lived well in the UK. I have saw myself as one of the British people (let's be honest, I am a British citizen because I have a British passport) and all was well, until I moved back to my home city. Now, in my 10 years of being in the UK, I have only been back in HK for 2 weeks. I remember after my 2 week holiday to Hong Kong, when I arrived back in the UK, I bulked. Like, cried my eyes out, and I couldn't stop. I didn't know what was going on, why was I crying. It was probably an emotional thing


No, I don't mean the Johnny's group Arashi in Hong Kong. Ha, I wish! I'm just making a pun on their name. What I mean is there is a storm coming to Hong Kong right now. It's windy and raining outside. When it's raining in Hong Kong, plus the many crowded people, you get disaster. Yesterday I went shopping with my mum, when we were suddenly hit by heavy rain, man, we went through hell. It was hell. You know, when I was in England, I loved rain. I loved putting up my umbrella and listening to the sound of the rain hitting it. Even though I will be soaked and frozen because the rain is so cold I wouldn't be able to feel my fingers, ah I really really misses it. The memories I had. I really want to go back to those times. But now in Hong Kong, it's completely different. The rain is not cold. It's dirty. People get pissed. And annoyed. I get pissed. And annoyed. At the people. And then we'll try to get through the crowd with our umbrellas. Raining i

Album Thoughts: Ayumi Hamasaki / CoLOURS

Title:「CoLOURS」 Artist: 浜崎あゆみ Release date: 2014.07.02 I wish I don't have the fortune to be bored. But since my life is basically everyone's definition of boring, and I'm actually quite bored myself, I have decided to review all of ayumi hamasaki's studio albums and mini albums, from her most recent ones back to her first ones. I'm not doing her compilation albums because they are basically her already released songs put together again so I can't be bothered. I'm actually quite excited to do that (sad, isn't it?) since with ayu's music, I have listened to every one of her songs over a million times, you name it and I'll know. The reason why ayu will always be more important to me than Arashi is that I have known of ayu longer and I have actually listened to all of her music and watched every one of her concerts and I have used her in some of my school projects before. And I feel like ayu's music is more bearable. With Arashi's musi

Ohno, your art exhibition...? FINALLYS!!!

Rumours has been circulating around for the past few months and now it has finally been confirmed!! I woke up in the morning to this lovely news: We all know it's going to happen sometime. And I really have to say I'm proud of this man. Ohno has come so far. He has made many people proud. XD This time, he's going international! Okay, just Shanghai, but that's already good enough! Can't wait to see his new work. And no matter how wacky and weird-looking they are, they will always be impressive. Because that's what a true artist is. I mean, just look at the first photo. Is that a fish with a black man's face?? Look at those additional Arashi colours on the wings! And Ohno's tooth!! And in the second photo, is that a seahorse made out of little bits of randomness? Well, it's up to our imagination. And, he's calling it FREESTYLE II ... just saying. Back in the beginning of 2008, I was still in Year 7 (oh my god), and was still worrying

That time when my Childcare lecturer asked me a racist question

Okay, it is once again, a post about my shitty life as a foreigner. For the first year of college, I studied Childcare and Education, looking to become a nursery nurse. I've had childcaring experiences since I was 15, so it was to become my lifetime occupation. Sigh, things didn't go my way in the end, and I ended up doing something else. Anyway, I was the only Asian in my class and at the beginning, my childcare lecturer was talking about children's hair, and how it changes colour as they get older. And it's true. My classmates were like, "I was born with blond hair, but it changed to brown while I was growing up...", bla bla bla. So then the teacher finally settled on me and ended up asking me this super racist question that I'm sure she did not meant on purpose to offend me, but it hit me quite hard. "Did you always have black hair?" Oh my god. It's a surprise I didn't start to beat her up then and there! But you know what

My 30-year-old brother thinks Shitsuren Chocolatier is a good drama

Title:「失恋ショコラティエ」 Run time: 2014.01.13 - 03.24, Monday 9pm Wow, I didn't know Shitsuren Chocolatier was a Getsu-9 drama. Somewhere in one of my older posts I mentioned that Hong Kong was airing Shitsuren Chocolatier on TV. And that I watched it in Cantonese dubbed. Well, I watched it with my eldest brother, and sometimes with my sister and my other brother too. My sister knows a lot about Arashi even though she's not a die-hard fan like me. But that's the perks of sharing the same room as me. XD Anyway, I mentioned that I watched this drama when it first came out because of Mizobata Junpei, and just solely because of him that I became a Arashi fan . Romance is not my favourite genre in the book, to be honest, so the list of romance dramas I've watched are very limited. My sister has seen Hana Yori Dango , though, so she knows who Matsumoto Jun is. But that's only because I approved the drama first. (These days it's hard when trying to impress older