Get To Know ARASHI

Since I'm such a slack and I actually bothered with this, I'll just make briefs instead of going on a long endless ramble on these five bakas. Especially when I know whoever is reading this probably know them by heart anyway. But I most definitely probably will go on an endless ramble because that's what Arashi does to me.


  • Age 42
  • Born in Tokyo
  • Leader of Arashi
  • Love fishing
  • Love art
  • First and only Johnny's to hold an art exhibition, FREESTYLE in 2008
  • Looks sleepy and zen, but is actually the most talented, strong and fearless member. Nowadays, he talk much more than before.

Occupation: Singer, Actor, Dancer, Artist, Choreographer

  • Age 41
  • Born in Tokyo
  • Rapper of Arashi
  • Love food
  • Look smartest
  • Adorable failboat
  • First Johnny's to graduate from university
  • First Johnny's to step over to the more "serious" side of television: newscasting, in the news program NEWS ZERO every Monday since 2006.

Occupation: Singer, Actor, Rapper, Newscaster, Host 

  • Age 40
  • Born in Chiba
  • Animal lover
  • Sunshine
  • Has the best laugh. Ever.
  • Has a distinctive voice.
  • First member to co-host another show.

Occupation: Singer, Actor, Television Personality, Host, Radio Host

  • Age 39
  • Born in Tokyo
  • Known mostly as Nino
  • Love video games
  • Love money
  • Part-magician
  • Witty
  • First Johnny's to star in a Hollywood movie, Letters from Iwo Jima in 2006.
39TH JAPAN ACADEMY AWARD WINNER FOR BEST ACTOR. Nino's gonna love me for mentioning this.

Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Voice Actor, Host, Radio Host

  • Age 39
  • Born in Tokyo
  • Mostly known as "MatsuJun" (though I don't call him that, it's just "Jun" for me). Nowadays he's called MJ, or J, as Nino likes to call him
  • Concert master
  • Invented Johnny's Moving Stage, and a whole lot of other amazingness
  • Also known as the member responsible for bringing millions of fans (okay, "fangirls") into Arashi and boasted their popularity, which invented the term "Jun-bait".

Occupation: Singer, Actor, Concert Director (he is)

Brief intro (based on facts and my opinions)

Arashi (means Storm) is one of the many groups Johnny's produced. They were the last group that debuted before the 2000's. They were formed in 1999 in Hawaii. They are rainbow sunshine happiness. They are healthy drugs. One day they are giving you a stomachache due to laughing too hard with them, the next they are giving you a nosebleed because they are too kakkoii. And then next, they are making you emotional because they are giving an inspiring speech. They are very popular.

Why are they popular?

Well, if you live in Japan, or are a J-Pop fan, you must have or will have come across an artist named Arashi (嵐). They are so popular they are considered a cultural phenomenon. Arashi themselves don't even know why they are so popular.

They had a good start. Their debut single「A • RA • SHI」sold nearly a million physical copies of CDs. It was released under the music label Pony Canyon. They later signed onto J Storm in 2002, a record label created especially for them (*wink wink* see what they did there) because Pony Canyon wanted W-inds (boyband) instead. Arashi began to flop. 2000-2005 are considered their dark years. No one really payed much attention to them. They were 8th priority in Johnny's. They were named by the press/media/whoever as "the Johnny's group least likely to succeed". Why? Because Arashi members do not act like idols. They were given low viewership rating late-night variety shows, such as「CXDXGの嵐!」(which are the best shows ever).

The public humiliation got very bad. In 2004, Arashi were appointed as the main personality for the-then-they-thought-were-going-to-flop 24-Hr TV. Aiba read out his memorable letter, said Arashi will some day be the top. Fans of other groups sneered. It wasn't until 2005, when Jun took up the role of Domyouji Tsukasa of Hana Yori Dango (which you may have come across too), hoping it will give Arashi something to do. Arashi sang the theme song,「WISH」, which boasted their popularity.

And, after Sho's NEWS ZERO, Nino's Letters from Iwo Jima, Aiba's 天才!志村どうぶつ園, Ohno's FREESTYLE art exhibition, and more Jun's Hana Yori Dango later, they, Arashi as a group, finally gained a lot of attention and popularity in 2008. Then in 2009, also known as Arashi's 10th anniversary, also known as the year that began the "Arashi era", also known as the year Arashi began taking over Japan, Arashi finally gained recognition, as an artist, as a group and individually. They hosted NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen for five years in a row. They help promote Japan Airlines, Kirin Beer, and many.

So. How did it happen? It is a mix between the members as individuals, Arashi as a group, and their continuing success in every part of the Japanese entertainment industry, that makes them popular.

Despite each members' success individually, they never fail to bring everything back to Arashi. Their bond and friendship are greater than anything else in this universe. They look so good when they are together. As one fan said "Arashi is a group that looks good no matter which member is in centre". There is no underdog in Arashi. No member is left out. No member is more popular than another. But what makes them stand out from other groups? Yes. They look/act like commoners. They act like normal people. Like they could be your friends, or your brothers, or just random strangers on the train or in the convenience store. And not selfish rich successful celebs who enjoys rich lives while we, the fans, suffer like low-class citizens. And yes, their "regular" faces earns them millions of yen, but at least they don't try to show off too much. And even if they do *ahem Nino* it tends to come out funny and cute rather than anything obnoxious. I heard during their low years, they didn't have much to do and their salary was so low they could barely earn a living. I guess it's a pychological scar for them. It caused Sho to become a workaholic and Arashi to bond even deeper.

Arashi's success in every part of the J-Ent Industry

Music: First artist to have sold over 10 million copies of DVDs (according to ORICON). First artist to win ten awards at once for Japan Gold Disc Awards. 48 number one singles out of total 52. Over 33 million total sales. They broke and hold many records. And the list goes on. 'Cause I'm such a slack. Enough said anyway.

Drama: Each member are award-winning actors, acting in numerous dramas and movies. Winning more individual awards.

Television variety shows: Vの嵐, 嵐の宿題くん, ひみつの嵐ちゃん!, 嵐にしやがれ, まごまご嵐, CXDXGの嵐!, etc. All successful variety shows hosted by our beloved Arashi. And, hilariousness ensues. THEY ARE BORN COMEDIANS.

Stage acting, art exhibitions, video games, commercials, concerts, magic tricks, dancing, hosting, radio, newscasting (okay, newscasting is totes not entertainment), modeling and even answering interview questions. PURE ENTERTAINMENT. You have the whole package.

How I turned from idoling ayu to Arashi

If you don't know who ayumi hamasaki is, she's basically the queen of J-Pop and you would have come across her some time during your time.. fangirling... or whatever you do. I have liked ayumi hamasaki since I was 14. And just like Arashi, she gave me a purpose.

So let's start with the long story of how I became a fan of Arashi, the group that has been stirring up rainbow-sparkle happy storm in my mind. It is with the help of ayumi hamasaki and Downtown (comedy duo) and, er, internet, and one thing led to another that brought me into their rainbow world.

When I was still so indulged in ayu (which involves constantly thinking how her skin, body, and hair are so perfect ALL THE TIME), I came across Arashi a few times. The first time was around 2006-2007, when I knew of Nino because of Letters from Iwo Jima, but I wouldn't count that as Arashi. The actual first time was in 2010 (the year I became ayu's fan), when I heard their song, Troublemaker, and saw their faces plastered on a plane. I didn't pay much notice though. And then in come 2012, and I saw their Popcorn cover. Still didn't pay much notice. Note that they were also the hosts for NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen since 2010. At the time I only watched it for ayu, though. Though that's not the case anymore (ayu wasn't in the 2014 one so I ended up watching it just for Arashi).

So how does Downtown play a role in this? Well, I watches their shows because they are extremely hilarious. They were my stress relief during that time. I started liking Downtown because of ayu. Actually, I started fangirling because of ayu! Anyways. I've seen all of Gaki no Tsukai's annual batsu games. Yep. All of them. And I was watching the 2013-2014 one (No Laughing 24hr Batsu Earth Defence Force), when actor Mizobata Junpei (known to me as the actor who got me into J-dramas) guested on it. I found him cute (Duh! I'm a girl), and started watching his dramas. Which led me into Ikuta Toma, Horikita Maki and Oguri Shun (Yeah, you know which drama I'm talking about). These three actors/actress are all somehow linked to Arashi. I watched Toma's dramas (which included Maou), Maki's dramas (which included Tokujo Kabachi!!) and Shun's dramas (which included Hana Yori Dango!!!), but I didn't really payed much attention to the actors who were Arashi (!!). BUT it was Junpei's then-new drama Shitsuren Chocolatier that led me straight to Arashi, as they sang the theme song, Bittersweet, and of course Matsumoto Jun will coincidentally BE THERE.

So I got fed up and was like, "Who the hell IS Arashi??", "Why do I keep coming across them?". So I looked them up. Then the rest is history. And, as ayu's priority in my heart began to wane, before I know it, Arashi has completely taken over my soul. I'm glad. Thank you, ayu, for sacrificing my love for you, and turned it into 5-coloured-rainbow storm that now rules my world. You will forever still be in my heart, girl. I don't know if my love for Arashi will decline like I did with ayu. Just keep doing what you are doing, guys, and keep on improving yourselves! Then it will be fine. Just kidding, you guys are already good enough!

I'm never a fan of boybands, though. And don't even get me started on all those other Johnny's groups. But Arashi stands out to be one amazing group, and they really changed my opinion and made me stop thinking less of boybands. Not that Arashi is a boyband. They are so much more.

And no, I wasn't Jun-baited into Arashi. Nor was I any member-baited. Let's just say I was Mizobata Junpei-baited. And thanks to this handsome actor, I was led into this stormy trap. This storm, Arashi, will now be forever number one in my heart.


Additional info is that when I watched Arashi's first performance of their song「Sakura」on Music Station and then the next performance of this same song the following week, and saw the difference, I LOLed. During the first performance, they blasted out tons of sakuras and made it looked like a storm. Got complaints from fans cause there were too much. Haha.

Now you know where this blog's title came from.

P.S. This page would be constantly updated over time.


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