All Idols Are The Same... Right?

Okay, besides Arashi because they are exceptional. But also major shading ALERT! Because I'm going on a full frontal rant here, so if whoever is reading is sensitive, don't say I didn't warn you.

Recently something has been bugging me. It is that annoying, overly popularized, super overrated Korean boy group known as BTS. They bug me so much it inspired this post. And that says a lot since I haven't blogged since forever. Like, I didn't even finish my Greece trip blogs, like what the heck is wrong with me.

What I want to say is, I recently saw some news about BTS, again. And every time I see them, or any idol groups to be honest, I want to gag so bad. Idols can do what they want, I don't care, but just don't let me see them win some huge prestigious awards like they deserve them because they don't.

So, anyway, I got annoyed and decided to find out why BTS is what they are. And it says on their Wikipedia page that they sing about personal and social shit like "mental health" and "loving oneself", like pppppsssshhhhhhh! Yeah right. I read that and I nearly threw up dry spit because it was so ridiculous.

Idols are idols. They look the same, sound the same. Bitch groups dance their horrendous choreos and sings about boys and party and shit. Guy groups dance their horrendous choreos and sings about girls and party and shit. Okay? Idols don't sing about personal shit. That's some dangerous territory they are not suppose to be in. They exist for one reason and one reason only. To be fantasy for dumb bitches to fantasize about. Make them scream and do stupid things. That's what idols are supposed to be here for. And even if their music is that inspiring or whatever, their horrific looks already ruined the suriousness of it. Like, these idols look like they came out of a doll factory!

There's this other super overrated idol group, Iz one or I zone, I don't know what their name is. But they stole Sakura and made her look like a barbie doll and that's not okay.

But seriously, once these idols reaches 30 years of age no one would look at them anyway so why? WHY???


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