Album Thoughts: Ayumi Hamasaki / sixxxxxx

Artist: 浜崎あゆみ
Release date: 2015.08.05

Because the woman likes her face+hand covers for her mini albums.

Four months after her last floppy album A ONE, ayumi hamasaki farts out yet another mini album that's, from ayu's usual nonsense, probably a continuation to her 2011 mini album FIVE, called sixxxxxx. I have to make sure I type 6 x's each time I type the title. I don't know what ayu's trying to play here, but it's annoying. It may have some sort of meaning, but it sucks. So bad. So it's totally pointless. But whatever, no matter what she calls her shit these days, it really doesn't make any difference. But I have to say, the album's content, that is, the songs, are so great that I'm actually impressed. She sound so great here. So good to the point I thought she recorded these before her vocals collapsed. Which was, like, before 2011. Lol. But, they were not, so does this mean it's a sign that the old ayu is back? I don't know, but the songs are great because she sound great.

The album has a total of six tracks (of course, of course) with titles that all begin with 'S'. Again, it may have meaning, but it's totally pointless and sucks. I mean, I have nothing against the titles, but if she named them beginning with S just for the sake of the album's name, it's very lame, and not cool. But it makes sense somehow. I don't know, it's just weird to me, I guess.

The first track is Step by step and it's the theme song of this random NHK drama called "Beauty and the Fellow", and the song is meh. I mean, I really like the verses, but the chorus is meh, so it makes the song not very good as a whole. The chorus is just plain annoying and she sound weird. Also, at first I thought this was a happy song, but in the music video, she cries a lot, and the extras didn't help either. Also, the red string thing is awkward. I mean, there's a thing called scissors. You could just use a damn pair of scissors to cut off the stupid red strings! I know the strings are supposed to mean something, but I'm being a bitch so I'm saying you could cut them off. XP Step by step is perhaps my least favourite track of this album. Ayu look great, though. Well, she always does. I love her brown hair. She kept it for nearly a year now, which is a very rare thing coming from the ever-changing ayumi hamasaki. She needs to keep it like that. It's nice.

The next track is Summer Diary, and every ayumi hamasaki fan rejoices as we see the return of her long time back-up dancer, SHU-YA. He changed his hair, though. HE CHANGED HIS HAIR! Oh wells, at least his hair is still blond. Though Shu-ya was just there for the video and not that he really is returning. Sad. Oh wells, not that it matters since judging by the recent floppiness of ayumi hamasaki, Shu-ya is better off. I mean, even Enrique left, and that's a big deal. I'm waiting for ZIN and Subaru's departure as well, so I can see poor ayu in her deepest depth. Just kidding!

I really like Summer Diary, and even though the chorus sometimes doesn't sound very convincing, I'm actually fine with it. But ayu is at it again. The whole crying-and-fighting-because-of-love thing is so outdated it sucks. Also, why Shu-ya?? The thing with Maro is already enough. Why Shu-ya?? I seriously do not understand this woman. But then again, it's ayu, no one ever understood her. So I guess it's fine. Again, she look great. Sigh. You can't still look good in heavy rain! You can't! Darn people from the entertainment world always look so great no matter what! Not fair. Also, they kissed. Oh my god they kissed! Shu-ya kissed ayu! That's a big deal, you know, since they have a huge history working together. I mean, ayu didn't even kiss Maro, she went ahead and kissed Shu-ya? When I first saw that I was like, was my eyes tricking me?? But whatever. I want to go on and ask why there is random child there. I mean, who's kid is that?? Are they kidnapping now, or turning into peodophiles? Also, I seriously don't understand the whole point of the video. To the point where I don't even know what to feel when I saw the "to be continued" shit at the end. They met up, got together, had someone's kid, then kissed in the rain, and cried and left eachother. One year later, they met again at the train station, and somehow makes it seem like "Oh, what happened a year ago doesn't matter anymore. Let's pretend it didn't happen, okay??" and shrug it off like bitches. WHAT??

Anyway, moving on to the better side of the album. The third "S" is Sayonara featuring SpeXial. Now, just like JJ Lin, I have never heard of SpeXial until now. Also, I never knew us Chinese can be so Korean. Large boy groups with dyed hair??? Seriously never heard us Chinese doing those. Is that a new thing? Didn't know us Chinese can be so lame. Also they are huge. Like, so tall they are like giants. Ayu look so small there. Sayonara is the song I was impressed with for the first time in ages coming from ayumi hamasaki. It has the right beat and sound and everything about the song is perfect. Though the guys needs someone with a stronger voice. Their voices are too weak. I mean, gentle. Too gentle. Can't hit hard enough in the heart, you know.

SpeXial: "I know that you never ever loved me like I still do... And I also know that I never ever should have believed what you promised me... How stupid I am..."

See what I mean when I said they are doing Korean. I mean the darn Taiwanese dudes can speak Japanese and English, like the stupid Koreans can. Also, don't you think there's something wrong with those English? Like, from grammar point of view? No?

ayu: "I know there was never ever a future for us... While I wanna believe there's a future for me... Out there... somewhere..."

WHAT? Now I'm very confused. I don't even know what the darn woman is trying to say there. She sound self-centred, though. Like, "There's no future for us, okay? But me? I WILL get a future! F**k you!". But whatever, again, we will never know the truth behind her shits. But darn, her English is great! Uhum, I mean... she sound fluent, which is great. You're improving, ayu. Good for you. Onto the video. Now, I don't mind the black and white, but I do mind the eagle and horse (what??) and the forest and snow field views that I seriously WTF everytime I watches it. Also, ayu, you do know that you're like, thirty-six years old, RIGHT? You are not seriously f**king younger dudes, again! But she still looked nice on that... bed, and the chair. But she's not really sexy. I mean, she's supposed to look sexy, and it is. But it's ayu, ayu's never sexy. It's just the image that's stuck to her, I guess.

The song is really good, and I'm sort of obsessed with it. Well, for now. I can't be bothered anymore, so moving on. Sorrows is the next song. And it's my second favourite song on this album. At first, it sounded nolstalgic, then I thought it sounded like a better version of Last Minute. But then the more I listened to it the more I thought it's great in its own right. No comparing. It's just a great song. Nothing else! Next! Shape of love is my new favourite, not joking. It is such a good song. I love it. Sorrows and Shape of love are both a definite approve from me. Then there's Sky high, our last song on this album. It sounds like a better version of Step by Step, don't ask.

Anyway, rushing because I can't be bothered anymore. The album is fine, there really isn't anything bad to say about it, which is a good thing actually. Maybe. Lol.

Conclusion: 6.5 / 10, Sayonara, Sorrows and Shape of love are my new favourites. But still don't get ayumi hamasaki's shits.


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