Matsumoto Jun: Still Dorky Yet Yasashi at age 32...

The difference between Nino's birthday and Jun's birthday is so close it's amazing. So that I can write a long post on Matsumoto Jun, similar to what I did with Nino not long ago. This is basically an excuse for me to write about Jun. Haha.

Matsumoto Jun is no longer the ginger-haired dude from the drama that got me into Arashi, Shitsuren Chocolatier. He is also no longer the permy-haired rich kid, Domyouji Tsukasa, from Hana Yori Dango. To me, he's just the super dorky, hilariously kakkoii, concert master, of the absolutely fabulous group, Arashi. And to me, he always has been. I always sees Jun as an older brother to me. It's weird, because I never see Jun as a lover or a friend sort of way. He has always been my big brother. Which is why everytime I see Jun kiss a girl, I cringe. Like "Ew, Jun, not in front of me, please" kind of cringe. But maybe it's a good thing since there are the members who have made me fall for them... like Nino and Ohno...

Well, except when Jun tries to kiss Ohno or whatever, it gets me everytime. The kya-ing will start. Can't help it, Juntoshi is my favourite Arashi pairing afterall. Anyway, Jun is like the heart of Arashi. He's like at the back, supporting the other four members. Pushing them towards their own goals. Pushing Arashi towards their goals. And, even though he's the youngest out of the members, he's managed to be up there with the others, balancing out what could've been an unbalanced senior-centred group (like KAT-TUN and Hey! Say! JUMP, I mean, seriously, just because Kame and Yamada Ryosuke is more popular.)  But Arashi have never been a one person-centred group. Since right from the beginning. Even during the time when Jun was the most popular due to Hana Yori Dango. He has mellowed down a bit after the other members began gaining their own individual popularity. But he has always been selfless. And Arashi is very lucky to have Jun part of them.

Now, Jun used to be a very dorky little boy with very thick eyebrows who used to look a lot like a girl. He still does, by the way. Both dorky and look like a girl. But he's fine because most of the time he tries to be manly. (Not really) He mellowed down the eyebrows in recent years, and now look absolutely flawless. Also, he used to be such a tsukomi, but he got more yasashi as the years passes. And now he doesn't really go after people the same way anymore. Of course, he still does every now and then, but right now all I could see is gentleness in his eyes. Jun's yasashiness is a different kind than, say, Ohno's. Ohno's gentleness is more like "I'm too lazy for this shit" kind of gentleness. Jun's is more like a warm heart beating inside you, giving you strength. And that's what I can feel. That's why he's more like a big brother to me. I don't know, I guess the people who know the real Jun, as in, know him personally, can feel it too. (Which is probably why he has so many friends. XD) And his smile is so precious. I mean all of Arashi's is precious, but as I have already said, Jun's like a warm heart, so his smile is like a gift from heaven or something, he's like, an angel. Don't listen to me, I say some pretty random shit. You can laugh all you want. But sometimes he look so handsome, sometimes even just standing there, it's like, he was born to be a megastar. Well, all of Arashi are, I guess. Because I seriously have never seen a group look that good even just standing together, it was like they were fated to be together.

Anyway, I want to thank Matsumoto Jun for being the heart of Arashi. Thank you for making awesome concerts for Arashi. Thank you for being the "serious" one, yet still fun and dorky in Arashi. Thank you for being the member who does romance dramas and movies. Lol. And giving advice to Ohno. Lol. And nearly doing a scene with him on VSA. XD
Thank you for putting up with being the youngest member (XD). Thank you for the many hairstyles. Seriously, Jun, how many are there every year? Thank you for leading many fangirls into your group (lol), which sort of include my sister and I (though it's kind of a half since Jun is not the entire reason we end up liking Arashi. But Jun is my sister's favourite member. And I guess since he was the lead in Shitsuren Chocolatier, the drama that... you know, I guess it sort of counts). Thank you for your precious laughs and smiles. Thank you for always trying to look kakkoii but seriously failing, adorably. Seriously, those Arashi ni Shiyagare segments always make my belly hurt from laughter. Thank you for having that awkward gap between you and Sho (even though we know you love him. But darn, Sakumoto is precious!). Thank you for always standing beside Aiba on Arashi variety shows (lol) and looking like a pair of models. Thank you for being the youngest with Nino. I have to say it again, Nino and Jun's birthday is so close it's amazing. Thank you for creating Juntoshi with Ohno. The darn pair in Arashi that gives me the most kyas. Darn it! Thank you for basically owning the colour purple. Though I'm sure you're not as obsessed with the colour as my sister. Every personal belongings of my sister is purple, what the heck. Well, mine is green. So I can't complain much, lol. Everything of mine is green. Sorry Aiba, not because of you. It's complicated, okay? Basically, because my sister's name has the colour 'purple' in it, and mine has the colour 'green' in it, we naturally fall for the colours of our own names. But you know what they, purple and green does not mix well. Well, except if you are Matsumoto Jun and Aiba Masaki, that is. XD

There are other super hilarious and adorable moments from our MatsuJun as well. Like shopping by "FEELING" was hilarious. Also Nino love to make fun of his thick eyebrows. Like calling him "J". Lol. People call him "MJ" nowadays more than MatsuJun too. For some reason. Haha. The rest I will leave to your imagination and memory... Anyway, thank you, Jun, for being the way you are, and ganbate for the future! Just keep teaching Ohno how to kiss, then you're fine! Just kidding!

Happy Birthday, Jun!


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