Ohno, you're not THAT old!!

"I always feel like I'm not doing anything particularly significant, so I never think to myself, "I did this, aren't I amazing!?" I don't think about how "It's so amazing that we held shows in Hawaii!" either. Just "Thank you very much", Thank you for letting us do this", I guess... It's the fans who are always raising us up, who are offering us their support, I think. I mean, as we get older it feels more and more embarrassing to be on television. Even when people scream for us, it makes me think, "No, I'm an old man now", "But thank you", because they're so considerate of our feelings."
- Ohno Satoshi, ARASHI BLAST in Hawaii


Ah, don't you just love his humility. Thank you, Ohno, us fans love you too!!


Okay, to be honest, even though I'm only 19 years old, I feel OLD. Like too much life experiences OLD. Of course, since 19 years is not long at all, I DO have a much longer road to walk. But I always think, why are people my age so immature?? Of course, everyone has their immature side, but what I meant is really immature. Immature to the point where I'm just like "WHAT??". And I already said I basically hang around people much older than me now, that's why I feel old.

If I see Ohno Satoshi in real life, will I scream like every fangirl will, or will I just stop in my tracks, staring in shock while my heart pumps out of my chest?

Okay, he's 35 this year, and to me, that's a full grown-up age, but not old, at all. So, Ohno, I understand what you meant when you said you feel embarrassed on television cause you're old, and when fangirls scream at you, you're like "No" cause you're an old man, but, really, you're not THAT old. Not until you're at least 40. And 40's are still not THAT old. You're just full-grown adult, that's all. And I heard when people are in their 30's, it's like their most powerful age. Like, you're not too young, neither too old. You're like a flower in full bloom. I don't know what I'm talking about anymore. LOL.

Your maturity is great, Ohno. And so am I. So if I were to answer the question above, I probably won't even make a sound if I see you.

So, don't feel embarrassed, you have a long way to go.


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