Album Thoughts: ARASHI / LOVE

Artist: 嵐
Release date: 2013.10.23

I've been busy with work and some other crap that keeps happening to me that I nearly forgot about this blog. I haven't posted anything this month so the first idea that comes into my mind is to do an album thoughts post, because you know, I have made a promise. Well, sort of.

Anyway, this time is, of course, the album that was released previously before THE DIGITALIAN, Arashi's twelfth album LOVE, which is of course, an absolute killer album, if you didn't already know.

This album was released after all members were finally into their 30's, and it is the beginning of the show of their maturity. Because I'm saying this now after a year and a half since the release so this probably wouldn't be as effective as if I did this back then, so this time I really couldn't be bothered to go on about my experiences with the album when it was first released. Okay, maybe I will go on a little bit. Since this album was released right before I became a fan, I can't really say much about my experiences. However, this was probably the first album, along with their other album Boku no Miteiru Fukei, that I listened to when I first listened to their music, which secured my love for them. So basically, this album helped me become a fan of their music when I first got into them. Which is why this album is so special. And I totally fell in love with this so much that I was obsessed. I'm not as obsessed now, but I can remember very well my feelings for this and how my heart skipped miles away when I finally got my hands on my own physical copy of the album. Ah, writing this already gives me so much feels. I just cannot say enough of how amazing this album is. Arashi is amazing, ah! Sorry, I'm reminiscing.

Everything about this album is perfect. Well, it has its flaws, but you know what I mean. XD
It contains Breathless and Endless Game, which were the songs that used to be my favourite Arashi songs. Not that they are not high on my list now, but they were the first two Arashi songs that I kept in my music folder. Haha. Back in 2013, Arashi were like, the sex. Not kidding. Getting down smouldering sexy and serious. Don't know what they were trying to do to their fangirls. Draining our blood from our noses, literally killing us as well.

Also, do you remember the whole ayumi-hamasaki-LOVE-and-again-and-LOVE-again shit? Yeah, it happened in 2013 too. So imagine my thoughts when I first saw this album's title. I actually thought it was going to flop. I mean, naming something Love already sounds lame. But I was in for a surprise. For this album, it has its own genre and its own position that even the title makes so much sense and also without making it feel ridiculous. I totally understand what Arashi were trying to do here. And the LOVE title turned me feeling from lame to full on classic sexiness. Which is very impressive, actually. Being able to change people's thoughts and emotions like that are not an easy task. And I've lost count of how many times Arashi has done that to me. Not just this album but just in general.

If you have read my thought post on ayu's LOVE again, you would know that I really wasn't impressed with the font of her title. I mentioned that it seemed like she just L the shit. Here, though, on Arashi's LOVE, it's creative, fun, and good to look at. The cover is simple. Yet it's great. You know how I said ayu's recent album covers were simple. Yeah, I meant them in a lame way. Like, boring magazine-rip-off type ridiculousness. But this here is not lame at all despite it being in black and white with them staring back at you like that. I don't know how Arashi pulled this off, but damn, the woman needs to learn.

I know I threw a bit of ayu in here, so excuse me for those who don't really know her. I know reading about someone you don't know on something meant for someone else you know is quite irritating sometimes. But this is my blog, so you're bound to come across a crossover in my posts. And this is only for comparing sake only, so please don't mind too much.

Anyway, back to the album. The LE cover and RE cover is basically the same except the font colour is in pink for the LE, and blue for the RE. It contains a total of 16 tracks. And this album not only contain a promotional song, but also another track that makes fans couldn't forget about. Yeah, that song where it involves fans to do the choreography, which generated a lot of buzz and satisfaction. On to that later on in the post. Nearly forgot to mention, is that this album became the best-selling album in Japan in 2013. But that was only because the AKB bitches didn't release any albums that sold more than that during the year. Now you know what I meant when I said the bitches has taken the crown from Arashi. But it's fine, just this one year is already enough to show Arashi's selling power.

The album starts off powerful, as every fan knows. 愛を歌おう (Ai wo Utaou) is a song that feels high and mighty and makes us think about the world and shit like that. The best bit is, of course, what Arashi does best with their music when there's a Sho rap. Yes, the bit leading up to the rap is always orgasmic and probably the best part of a song with a Sho rap. I'm repeating myself, sorry. My English is probably getting worse, so excuse me if there's any mistakes. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying. Anyway, a lot of people really liked this song when they first heard it. Me too. This song is yet one of the very first Arashi songs I heard when trying to become their fan. And I was so impressed with this song I couldn't wait to see this song performed live. As expected from Arashi always being able to satisfy me, they performed this while on top of the world (not really).

The second track is サヨナラのあとで (Sayonara no Ato de). I wasn't really that much of a fan of this song at first, until I saw this performed live in their LOVE Tour. This song is relaxing, yet it's full of the sexiness that this album contains. The members' voices is as passionate as ever, especially Ohno's, with that one solo line of his that kills as always. Third track is CONFUSION, and this song is fun and continue the classic sexiness of the album. I also feel like the "love fool" thing is very creative and it just fits the album so well.

Next track is Ohno's solo, Hit the floor, which is everything you should expect from an Ohno solo that is supposed to fit this album. So I like to commend on this song being able to pull it off. But seriously, this song is flawless. Especially after you've see this performed live. Well, Ohno is flawless. XD

Next song is P・A・R・A・D・O・X, which is like, the most dangerous Arashi song, ever. This song is the promotional song for the album, so it has along with a PV. A deadly one. The song itself is already dangerous on its own. If it also add on with this PV, it's a straight killer. If this doesn't kill your poor fangirl heart, I don't know what will.

Arashi goes full-on sexy with all their might. And I have to say, they pulled this off perfectly. When ayu tries to be sexy, she just looks weird. And she's either weird or just plain dirty. But even Arashi, a group known for their dorkiness, can pull sexiness off with great flair. What? Ayu, again, needs to learn. But then again, Arashi are men, so they are dangerous when trying to seduce my fangirl heart. Whereas ayu don't have the same effect. Well, she's not even sexy anyway. Anyway, here Arashi is so sensual, and it contains a rap by Sho. Out of all orgasmic raps Sho did, all of them cannot get any sexier than this one. It is very danger. It is also followed by an even more orgasmic line by Ohno. Overall, this song is a must listen. How can anyone not like this song? Let it grow on you, you will be addicted. **P.A.R.A.D.O.X I'm gonna make you stop it, baby! P.A.R.A.D.O.X I'm gonna make you stop it! P.A.R.A.D.O.X I'm gonna keep on baby! P.A.R.A.D.O.X...** Very danger. Even looking at the title you know it's dangerous.

The choreography is by US choreographer whats-his-name who I don't give a shit about, and whom I knew of only because of this song. No offense meant, by the way. The choreography is great, though. I loved it. Arashi went to New York for this, which was amazing, knowing they did that. In their secret talk on their Aozora no Shita, Kimi no Tanari single, they had an interesting conversation on this. And Ohno, being his usual hilarious self, said how the US choreo guy was ten years younger than him but he was ordering him around. LOL. Also he thought Ohno was eighteen years old (not mentioned on the secret talk but somewhere else, probably during Kouhaku promotions, can't remember). But I do sometimes wonder how Ohno is 34 years old. He probably is taking youth pills to keep his youthful look. Probably borrowed them from Nino. Haha. Just kidding.

The next track is sugar and salt, Sho's solo. This song makes me imagine Sho being all seductive by the bar, while surrounded my sexy women. XD My imagination, that's all. Also those rap bits kills. Couldn't get enough of them. All slow and deep. LOL, don't think it in a dirty way. Geesh.

I think Breathless was put into the right track position in this album, coming right after the slow seduction that was Sho's solo. This song was my favourite Arashi song for a very long time, probably since the beginning of my love for their music. truth is now my favourite, which was used to be my second favourite. But Breathless went down to number two. Not sure why, haha. But seriously, Breathless is like, everything I want from a song. It is my type of shit that leaves my jaws hanging open. It leaves me breathless (pun intended!). Since all of the PVs of this album are worth mentioning, I'm going to post the PV of this song too.

The PV is, just like the song, everything I have wanted for a PV from such a song. It is perfect, flawless, with the right amount of seriousness and seductiveness from the boys, and dark. Is what I love. Darn it, guys. Breathless was, of course, released as a single as a double A side with Calling, and we all know how well that was received. Bless them. Still doing great after so long. Sob.

The choreo is like, perfection. Not really. But it's awesome. Also, I like to mention on Arashi's black hair. You know, it's very rare these days, to see all members have black hair at the same time. Arashi should keep all their hair black, they look so great. Also, Aiba's hair black, is like, even rarer. He look absolutely amazing with black hair. All of them does. I don't get why they can't just keep their hair black. Oh wells, they are great either way. I want to point out someone else too. Nino. I already mentioned that Nino kills my fangirl heart, and in this he was very danger. Well, it's his movie theme song, so you know my reaction when I heard his solo parts. His movie, Platina Data, was very good too. I think I've seen it about three or four times since its release. Well, you know, I knew of Nino before Arashi, sigh. Anyway, he looked so good in the PV. He was still 29 during the time, absolutely flawless. I still can't believe in these eight years I knew of Nino, I only became a fan of Arashi last year. Like, all those time, I didn't know of his relation with the group. Huh.

And then comes in more Nino for the next track. Yes, it's Nino's solo, 20825日目の曲, where cutesy Nino and a guitar comes in. I seriously cannot with this man anymore. Can you believe he's 32 next week?

The ninth track on this album is Rock Tonight, which is a fast-paced fun track that makes anyone smile even from just listening to it. The live version shows how fun this song can actually be too. It shows that Arashi can be sexy yet energetic and silly at times. That they can still be fun and silly. This song is refreshing to hear and definitely a great song.

Okay, the next track is Endless Game, and I have mentioned earlier in the post that this song was one of the very firsts and favourites during my early Arashi fan days, and it's still one of my favourite to now. This song is so epic it deserves so much more love.

The PV is Arashi continuing their killer seductiveness and maturity. It sounds so great, darn it. It has a little bit of creepiness in it as well, which suits the drama's theme so much. Sho and Kazuku Game was like, perfection. Loved the drama. And Sho was so good in there. I wanted to kiss him and tell him well done. The choreography was amazing too. Sho basically owns the whole song, to be honest. The cover has the same vibe to it too:

Look at how great they looked. I'm expecting myself to say so much for this, but my mind won't let me, so moving on.

Next track is Calling, which was released with Breathless as Calling / Breathless, just looking at the title of the single sucks you in. Huh. I know a lot of people really liked this song, and I have to agree on it's goodness too. Though of course I prefer Breathless more. But Calling is like the rock track that people loved from Arashi. See for yourself.

The song was used for Aiba's drama Last Hope, which I haven't seen yet. Not planning to either. Sorry, Aiba. I have seen bits of it, though. And to now I still don't understand how this song fit for the drama, but whatever. Though Aiba looked flawless with the black hair. For the covers of the single, Arashi looked like those, what they call, underground gang sort of look, lol.

 Limited Edition A
 Limited Edition B
Regular Edition
Kakkoii ne?

The next track is Aiba's solo, 夜空への手紙 (Yozora e no Tagami), where he goes full on melancholy. I think this might be my favourite Aiba solo. I don't know why, but it does suit this album so well. Maybe it's the dark, sad, yet mysterious and seductiveness to it that makes it so good. It also somehow fits Aiba. It's nice to see him all mature and calm, so sexy. XD

Jun's solo for this album I'm not that much a fan of but it does suit both him and the album. Dance in the dark is more classic dance, and you get to see Jun being all vampire-y in the LOVE Tour, so bonus from that. Starlight kiss is a nice track but can get quite forgettable. FUNKY is the dance track mentioned earlier where Arashi invloves the fans for the choreography, which was very fun. Last track for the album is Tears, which ends this album peacefully with its ballad tune. It's kind of forgettable, though.

I know I kind of rushed at the end but it cannot be helped, I'm so busy I want to post this before Nino's birthday, and it's getting long so I can't be bothered anymore. LOL.

Conclusion: 9 / 10 stars because this album seduces me. XD
No, just kidding. It does feel like it's missing something but it's perfect in its own right.
Also, I'm biased.


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