That time when four bitchy aunties sat next to me in a restaurant

This post is from June last year, a post I hadn't been bothered to finish. So I'm just going to post this real quick, but not that you really have to read it since it's just my usual ranting about how sucky life is.

If there is one thing you should learn about the people of Hong Kong, is that they don't give a shit about you. They would say bad things about you right in front of you. They would push past you while you're walking on the streets. They would stand right in front of you when you're trying to walk past, and they would not move. They walk so slow... and you're rushing (sigh). They would stare at you (for no particular reason at all). They would peak in your shopping bag to see what you've bought. They would look at you in the lift to try to memorise your face (creeps) when you press your floor. They could complain about everything, anything. And the list goes on. And they wouldn't give a crap about what you think of them, they just does what they want, when they want. They have no manners, respect or a sense of personal space and privacy whatsoever. They are like wild animals, okay? You can never trust them, they are all probably two-faced.

And this is why I hate going out. There are constantly people everywhere, god damn it! Annoying people of all. Since I didn't live in a city in the past ten years, I could say that it just annoys me very much. So much to the point I feel like strangling myself (not really) and go crazy.

So I want to write about something that happened some time ago. I mean these annoying little incidents happens all the time, but it's recent, and it helps with what I'm actually trying to convey here. You should know by now that the things I write are just relevant things that leads to the main point of something else I'm trying to write about.

Anyway. My sister and I went to this mini restaurant to have dinner. Not long after we arrived, four older women (probs in their 40's) arrived too and sat on the table next to us. And they were mega loud.
So my sister and I ordered our food. Mine was mapo tofu with rice (YUM). And then woman B suddenly said "That's mapo tofu. Is it good? Let's have mapo tofu". I was thinking Bitch, don't copy me. And why are you even looking at us??, then woman A said "It looks good, let's have" and her head was literally in my dish.

I was trying so hard to ignore them. My sister just continues. I wish I could do that. But I have high tolerance too! So I continued on with my food like I didn't care. Woman C and woman D is not really relevant in this case, they were that far away. But they were as loud as heck. Yep, women with no manners and talk like bitches. Sigh.

This is not the only case when Hong Kong people very outwardly copy me. I mean, not that copying my food is bad, it's just, sometimes when you just want to be alone, and then there's these people like, staring at you for no reason. There was this time when I was in the supermarket, lining up to pay, and I suddenly realised there was an old lady behind me, dragging a bag of lettuce on the floor, and I looked at her, and she said something to me. At the time, I had my earphones in and I couldn't hear, so I said "What??", and she repeated, and then I realized she was talking in some really bad Chinese and I couldn't hear what she was saying except the last line "Don't you understand what I'm saying??". No bitch I don't know what you're saying I'm English-speaking and even though I look Chinese there are many Chinese people out there who only speak English aren't I allowed to be one????? Then I realised what she actually wanted to say, I guessed she meant she was going to put the lettuce there on the spot in the line while she goes and get some bread. After all the fuss I was just thinking bitch, in the end, you didn't even need to tell me I didn't even care whether you're getting some bread wtf woman!! And then there was this case when I was getting out of our building in the morning to go to work, and yet again I had my earphones in and the security at the counter said something, so I went back to see what he wanted, and he yet again said something in really bad Chinese and yet again I was like "What??" and he said "Don't you understand what I'm saying?? Don't you understand Chinese??"

If something like these happens again, I will strangle whoever says those lines again. But I will also try and prevent these disturbing little scenes from happening again by, well, not giving any fuck and just ignore these stupid people. I don't even know why I care in the first place!!

But seriously, in the year and a half I've been back in Hong Kong, I'm still really not used to these people, and as I continue to face these people I'm getting more and more frustrated and irritated by them to the point where I'm deciding to move back to the UK for good.


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