ayumi hamasaki dragged SHU-YA to Hell... with a gun

Do you remember the time when ayu was still fake crying and always hanging onto SHU-YA's sleeve? Do you remember the time when all SHU-YA, ZIN, Subaru and Maro was still prominent? And that KO and 2-YAN weren't important? Do you remember the time when Yo-chan still has his long hair? Do you remember the time when it was just Peco and Princess as the back vocalists? Do you remember the time when ayu still cared? When her lyrics still meant something? When her music videos were still worth the time to watch??

Well, all of that changed. Peco left. Princess's importance got stamped on by Timmy. Yo-chan cut his hair and stopped speaking. Maro got fired and ended up eating grass and being a porn star. ZIN and Subaru got pushed to the back. KO and 2-YAN became more important (in ayu's eyes), and SHU-YA left. Now, SHU-YA did come back to ayu's arms around a year later. But he got rid of his infamous half-blond, half-black hair, and turned it all into just black. ayu stopped fake crying and turns 38 this year. And guess what was the first thing they did? They kissed. Yeah. After pretending to be ayu's boyfriend for almost 10 years, this was the very first time I saw SHU-YA and ayu kiss. That wasn't even the problem, though. I don't want to be mean, but, it's the sad, sad truth. ayu's music, the lyrics, the music videos, the meanings, has started to all become meaningless. And fans has been painfully holding onto her past success, and realising that the cute girl who sang about loneliness and sadness is now gone. Well, I do understand, I mean, the woman married two white guys, and still doesn't know what she wants. She has literally threw away all of what she has achieved. She didn't keep on working her way up. She should be going up one step at a time and thinking how she could've improved herself. Instead, she stayed at the same last step she was on. She got confused, and turned reaching back her past. And I think to now ayu still don't know what to do with herself. If any Japanese pop artists were to have a successful comeback, it's this woman. She totally deserves it. I get it, she lost her way. But it would be better if ayu herself realises it. Not that I don't think she already knows, but it doesn't seems like she's doing anything about it except just continue to get worse and worse.

I watched her latest music video for the song Winter Diary, a song from last year. You know how I said ayumi hamasaki has turned into the randomist pop star I know? Well, this was what I meant:

ayumi hamasaki's releases for the past 5 years are things that leaves your mind going [????What??????The?????F**k?????]. Seriously, I don't know what I just watched. I mean, Winter Diary is a song that could've turned out well along with the right music video. But, no, she went to Taiwan and this was her result? I just don't understand how she came up with this shizz. I mean, I know a lot of artists like to make creative music videos that are sometimes confusing, weird and random. But this is just plain cheap stuff!

Okay, I know I'm being a bitch. It's just that watching Days and her other older music videos with SHU-YA in it makes me sad, because they used to be so innocent, and I miss that. I understand that they are older now and wants to do something different, but I just feel like I'm not connecting with them anymore. I mean, I used to really like her dancers and her team but now I feel like with ayu's decreased popularity, her team went down too, and now I'm just irritated by her dancers everytime I see them. I feel like since ayu couldn't be bothered with her work, they also are not putting enough strength together with their work, and that's why I feel like they are just half assing their work all the time.

I don't know, just saying my thoughts. No offence intended.


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