Can you believe it's been a year already? Me neither. Doesn't seem like that long ago when Arashi had their 15th Anniversary and those concerts in Hawaii that no one can forget. And of course I wasn't able to attend it, but I feel like I've accomplished many too. Last September, I just moved back to Hong Kong, and didn't know what to do with my life, but still got my very first job. And to me, getting your first job, and being payed, is definitely an accomplishment. And at that time, Arashi was celebrating their fifteenth year of being together. Now, I only started to become their fan at around January 2014, so I don't think I have, like, any rights to say anything about them before that, older fans know better. But like any other new interested artists, you look them up and their whole history just to know them more and realise how much you've missed. And if you're reading this, it means you're a fellow Arashi fan too, so I won't go on a long rant on their history because you probably already know very well too. But I do have to say, this group, a group of teenagers when first started out, has come a long way, and experienced immense amount of different things, gone through humiliations, tears, frustrations, pain then finally success, happiness, and respect, and now through their sixteenth year. It's like a roller coaster of emotions for our boys, and no one know it better than Arashi themselves. And I'm forever grateful to the fans who have stayed for them, who have become their fans along the way, and, well... me. Lol. I'm a fan too! No, what I'm trying to say is I'm grateful that this fandom is happy, you know. What Arashi and fans do for eachother is precious and I'm glad I'm in it. And even though in real life I fangirl alone (duh), I found out that, even the people who are not fans can accept easily these guys who does anything for entertainment. They are so popular in a positive way that no one really minds them, you know? Like, some celebrities are just there and no one cares. Some are just there and causes trouble. But Arashi carries a positive vibe, I guess it's just their image, that they ended up being those celebrities where they are very popular but aren't really causing anything else. Basically not celebrities where there are drama surrounding them that no one gives a shit, basically.

The only thing I can complain about is that they are darn expensive. Like, at this rate, I will become broke. My whole bank belongs to Arashi. But then again, no one wants them to be cheap either. Arashi is not cheap, okay? The other day, I was going to buy their Blast in Miyagi stuff, but at the time I already bought a ton of other stuff from them, including their older stuff like the DIGITALIAN USB, and other stuff, that I ended up couldn't be bothered with the Miyagi stuff, lol. But it's fine, they are still satisfying my lonely heart, so it's fine. Actually, I shouldn't even say can you believe it's been a year already. I should have said can you believe it's been sixteen years already? Well, must be because I only been a fan for a year and a half. And only just realised Arashi has been around for sixteen years already, lol.

September 15, 1999, is the date when Arashi was formed. They were teenage boys of 16-19 year-olds. So clueless. So oblivious of what's going to come. That they were to be together for more than 16 years. And yet, they've made it. Sixteen years have past. And now Arashi is as old as when they first formed the group. November 3, 1999, is the date they released their debut single, A • RA • SHI, I guess you can say they have two anniversary dates. I was going to go on an endless rant about how awesome Arashi is and why they are so special and stuff like that, but these things we already know inside our hearts and really no need to boast about it. I feel like this year Arashi seemed much more relaxed and comfortable with what they are doing, and they have definitely found their own place in the industry, accepted by everyone. For the the rest of the year, it's probably just, well, we have Blast in Miyagi, and then their new album, Japonism, and the concert tour too. But I'm still saddened by the fact that they are probably not going to host this year's Kouhaku Uta Gassen, which is like, a huge deal to me. I mean, the guys literally owns Kouhaku now! Five years! It's a darn long time! And they basically own it now, you can't change hosts otherwise it will ruin it! Or is it just me being a 19-year-old. Sigh. I sometimes thinks I'm an old woman, and then I realised I'm still very young. What the heck. Sigh. Sometimes we can't control these things. Actually, we can't control anything. We just have to go along with it. Along with all the disappointment. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm going to end this with a big congratulations to Arashi, the best group in the world, for going successfully through their sixteenth year. Still going strong. Still breaking historic records like nobody's business. Selling over 30 million total sales like people on the roll. Still robbing people's money that those people are actually willing to give. Still robbing my room space. My Arashi collection is nearly there. It's nearly up there with the fans who collect their stuff. It has gotten that much, to the point where I'm literally running out of room to put. And money to buy, lol. Last week, my 30-year-old brother suddenly questioned my love for Arashi. He was like, "what if they suddenly disappeared? What would you do? Would you turn to fangirl other groups?". How dare the darn bastard question me like that? Do not talk about Arashi like that you want me to kill you? I think my brother did want me to kill him. It doesn't really matter, though. It's not like it's going to change anything, lol. Sorry, that was my protective fangirl reaction.

Anyways, thank you, Arashi, for giving 16 years of love, joy, happiness, fun, courage and support. Thank you for still being a bunch of dorks even at 16. Thank you for being my motivation (and my absolute first priority, lol). I'm seriously like, super crazy for them. I don't know why. This is not normal. Look at them shining like angels. Don't ever change, Arashi. I love you! Proud Arashian here! HAPPY 16TH ANNIVERSARY!

Someone please hurry up and give Ohno a new drama.


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