Matsumoto Jun: Still Dorky Yet Yasashi at age 32...

The difference between Nino's birthday and Jun's birthday is so close it's amazing. So that I can write a long post on Matsumoto Jun, similar to what I did with Nino not long ago. This is basically an excuse for me to write about Jun. Haha. Matsumoto Jun is no longer the ginger-haired dude from the drama that got me into Arashi, Shitsuren Chocolatier . He is also no longer the permy-haired rich kid, Domyouji Tsukasa, from Hana Yori Dango . To me, he's just the super dorky, hilariously kakkoii, concert master, of the absolutely fabulous group, Arashi. And to me, he always has been. I always sees Jun as an older brother to me. It's weird, because I never see Jun as a lover or a friend sort of way. He has always been my big brother. Which is why everytime I see Jun kiss a girl, I cringe. Like "Ew, Jun, not in front of me, please" kind of cringe. But maybe it's a good thing since there are the members who have made me fall for them... like Nino and Oh...