I can't believe it took a hiatus announcement for me to blog again. I have not blogged about Arashi for a long time. Reason, life. But it also proofs that I take Arashi for granted every day, not knowing I will be losing them so soon.

On Sunday, 27th of January, it went on just like any other day. What I did not remember was that Arashi is my muse. My motivation in life. So I updated myself on anything new from them like I usually do every few hours. And then I saw the most shocking news ever. Arashi will be going on hiatus from the 31st of December, 2020. I remember my initial reaction. I was surprised I wasn't as shocked as I thought I would be. Maybe because deep down I knew something like this will happen sooner or later. And they couldn't have picked the most perfect timing for the announcement. They are in their 20th year, with Tokyo 2020 next year, for us all to prepare ourselves for whatever dark void is coming afterwards. Because a world without Arashi is a world in a black hole. And during the past week since they announced it, I was a pile of hot mess. There were so many different emotions coming out at once, to now I'm still not sure whether I accepted it yet. Obviously that is why they announced it 2 years prior.

They began by announcing via their JFC in a video, then hours later they held a press conference. I'm not going to sum up what happened during the conference but there was one thing that stood out besides the members' smiles and their ensuring that everything would be okay: the reporter who asked them whether they are irresponsible for going on hiatus. Now, the reason they explained for the hiatus was that Ohno initialized it, because he wanted freedom. So they settled for a hiatus instead of him quitting. And Arashi cannot continue with 4 members so the whole group goes on hiatus. I didn't hate on the reporter at all, they were just doing their job. It's questions like these that prevents speculations. And Arashi handled the whole situation their way, on their terms, like they usually do, and that was what impressed me. It reminded me why I love them so much in the first place and why I should cherish them in the remaining time I have with them in my life.

An announcement from an artist like this usually only affects the fans. But this is Arashi, and they are on a whole another level. Arashi is not just the idol group that makes records in the music industry. They are a brand. An influence. An Inspiration. They affect the entire nation, socially and culturally. Heck, financially. Because they also brings in not millions, but billions, of yen each year. And the entire entertainment industry would be effected without the presence of Arashi. Am I exaggerating? What I'm trying to say is that, they are here not only for one specific fanbase. In Japan, no matter which age group from both genders all agree Arashi is the biggest and most popular male group. Ever. And that says a lot in this day and age where different views and believes exists.

My whole family knows I have a deep love for Arashi. Because if there is one thing I cannot hide from them is my love for Arashi. The morning after their announcement when news made it to the headlines, my 33-year-old brother messaged me straight away. My dad was reading the newspaper when he came across it and instantly asked me about it. Even my mum was worried for me, lol. I was trying so hard to find what I was feeling and tried so hard to pretend everything was okay. It was. Life went on. Life is still going on.

By now, nearly a week later, I have processed through my thoughts about the whole situation and came to a conclusion. From a fan's point of view, it's very hard to accept it. But when I look at it from Arashi's point of view, from Ohno's point of view, it's very understandable. Arashi is at the top of their game. They deserve a break. And it wasn't as if Ohno was hiding anything either. He's been giving hints and signs about his wish for freedom and us, as fans, simply just ignored them or took them as a joke. But he was serious. And with Arashi at the top of their game, I think he felt like he has done enough, not just for the fans, but for Japan, and it's time for him to think about himself and his own future. Ohno would be 40 by the time 2020 ends. It's a great point in life to start thinking about what else you can do while you're still young but also had done enough. Being an idol is not forever. And with someone like Ohno Satoshi, someone with so much potential, so many things he want to do, he felt like being an idol is holding him back from all these opportunities. Even if it means sacrificing Arashi, probably one of the most difficult decisions he made in his life, he would go as far as quitting to do so.

Ohno first mentioned his thoughts about this to the other members in June, 2017. And it wasn't until February the following year when they went to the jimusho about it, and came to a decision on a hiatus in June. Because I'm sure Ohno wouldn't be able to let Arashi go. It was a tough decision, Arashi or freedom. And I want to give props to Ohno for taking his time and even after finally being able to announce it, he still need to wait for two years.

This morning, my 33-year-old brother finally had the opportunity to talk to me. He asked, "Do everybody hate Riida now? Do you hate Riida?" (Because he's a jerk). I told him many fans actually are pretty supportive and I'm one of them. And he was like, "Supportive? Of him splitting up Arashi?". I told him they are not splitting up, just taking a break, and he laughed and said there is no way that's a break. And then it hit me. My brother was right. It wasn't just a break. It's the end of them. Because even though they would still be here, just inactive, it would never be the same. It's true that we don't know how long Ohno's hiatus would be, but I'm starting to think if it's over one year, heck two years, it would mean he's never coming back. I'm expecting one day, one day, he would be back, but maybe just for one performance with Arashi, probably in Johnny's Countdown or something, and that would be it. No more Arashi activities. Ever.

To sum this up, I'm going to hell.


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