I Got Robbed In Greece! [Part 2]

Here was Part 1.

March 30, 2018

On our third day in Athens, my sister G and I traveled to Kifissia. But so many things happened on this day. We checked out of our hotel in Syntagma. I had my camera in my jumper pocket so I put my green-cased mobile phone inside my backpack, right on the top for convenience. We went back to the Monastiraki Market to buy souvenirs. We took the train to Piraeus Station, where we visited the Electric Railways Museum inside the station. They literally has a museum inside their train station. And it has free entrance!

The guy in it told us not to take photos. There was not a single other person in the entire museum. Not that it's big or anything. But there were stairs leading up to other parts of the place and G was holding her phone. The guy working there got paranoid for some reason and kept ordering us not to take photos and it got awkward because he kept staring at us. So we got out of there.

G and I went out of the station to check out a nearby ferry port. It was nothing special but it was interesting to see how open their port was. You can literally walk into their water because they didn't have any fence. We took some photos and then dragged our suitcases back to the train station.

G was in front of me. It was right when we entered through the entrance of the station (it was a side entrance, not main) when I felt something tug on my backpack. I knew instantly it was a someone. I turned my head briefly to check and saw a man snatching his hand away from my bag panically. I immediately ran up to G without looking at him again and told her to check if my backpack was opened. The shock from her voice made me take off my bag and I saw in disbelief that it was wide opened. G asked if anything was missing. I noticed immediately that my phone was gone.

It was just then, the man walked by us casually and I instantly recognized him. I did not know how because before I only glanced at him for a millisecond. My eyes were right away drawn to the big, bright green-cased phone stuffed in the back of his jeans pocket!

I went up to him (he was close to us) and I literally bellowed "MY PHONE", with my hands out like a beggar's, like I expected him to just give it back or something, haha. He halted and glanced at us for a second before I heard him say "Okay..." and reached for his back pocket. He handed over my phone and walked away.

I did not see where he had head to after that because right after I received my phone back, I looked at my sister in shock. I think I was in shock throughout the whole incident that happened in like, five seconds. Actually, I don't think I emotionally felt anything then until it was over. I was just like, WTF JUST HAPPENED?.

My sister and I board the train to Kifissia, which was a long ride. Throughout the whole journey we were both so alert and paranoid, I have never been so vigilant in my life. I have always been very attentive to my belongings and the environment around me. And that was partly why the backpack I used was one of those theft proof ones. It has a stiff button around the straps by the opening, and the zips in which one has to extend fully in order to open the bag. But no. The guy unbuttoned the button (which hurts my fingers every time I do it), unzipped my bag fully, and took out my phone, all unnoticed!

I think he was just doing it casually, and that was why he walked by us and even gave me back my belonging even though he could have just dashed away with it. What a bastard. I just could not grasp what it would have been like for the rest of our trip if my phone was actually stolen and gone. Damn.

Anyway, G and I arrived at Kifissia. It was a calm suburban town with expensive-looking houses. Rich people probably lives there. Our hotel locates right in the middle of it. And it was quite far away from the train station. G did not want to take a taxi (because we were paranoid), so we literally dragged out suitcases around the quiet suburb for around thirty minutes before we found our hotel.

After we sorted ourselves out, we took a stroll around the shopping centre part of the town. It was really relaxing. I have not experienced such an easing walk since I left the UK. Around the evening, we tried to look for a place to have dinner. But since it was a suburban town, the services were not that tourist-friendly so we couldn't find anywhere. We decided to go back to the hotel and have dinner there. Of course dinner at hotels are very expensive. But hey ho, we did not have lunch, so the budget was lunch and dinner combined. Sob.

G and I literally had the whole diner to ourselves. Each table were candle-lit and the room was so dark. But it was nice. The waiters there were so handsome. Like, Greek people are beautiful. Not kidding.

These was what we had that night. Spaghetti and pizza, with a chocolate mousse pudding, which G and I shared.

I'm going to end Part 2 with a photo I took during that night.



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