Endless Ranting on Japanese Idols...

*immense shading alert!*

Recently, there were news about the bitch army, AKB48, surpassing Ayumi Hamasaki's total sales, gaining the top spot as the best-selling female artist in the history of Japan. Firstly, it is definitely not history. Secondly, it is definitely not artist. I know Oricon only counts physical CD sales (national) to determine general sales, and they don't give crap whether they are solo or a group, but let me tell you why this is wrong on so many levels. I mean, I do support the whole CDs-only thing, but idols are not artists, so what the heck are they saying?

Ayu did most of the work on her own, as an artist in general. She produced, composed and written her songs. She create concerts in her own way. That's an artist. What did AKB do? Yeah, you could argue they "worked hard". But, bitch, everybody works hard. It's just whether your efforts had any meaning. And Ayu, she is definitely a legend in her own right. She totally deserve her top place as a female artist. But then, oh, a bunch of unknown girls being given jobs because they are managed by some huge idol agency. They are told what to sing. What lame moves they are dancing to. What to say on television. And what fake images they have to craft and maintain. Real artists don't really mind much about those things. They are loved because of what they do, and the feelings that they are able to express that impresses fans. And not a way of obsession. I know, ayu has her days too, when fans scream for her, dying to touch her or whatever. But that's only because she sells herself that way. What's with all the ayupan, concert goods... acting cute and stuff. But that doesn't change the fact that it was her work that was mostly loved. That's what's important. And I know every artists sells themselves differently, but a true artist come from those who are able to capture minds with what they create rather than who they are.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an idol fan myself. I enjoy their music. You know, everyone has different musical tastes. But it's just that, when it's idol music, I never take it seriously. Like, you don't need to analyse that crap. They are just... there. Probably playing in the background somewhere, just for the sake of it. When it's serious music, though, it tends to make you feel something. And it makes you think about the types of instruments they used, the sort of tunes, the vocals, the notes and the lyrics. You see where this is going?

In my opinion, AKB's music is actually quite good. To me they are pretty enjoyable. And that was actually the main reason why I liked them in the beginning. But sometimes I get annoyed at those squeaky and flat vocals, that ruins the whole song. To me, a singer's vocal ability is always the key in making a song sound good. I know because I have heard songs that are not very interesting, music wise, but because the singer is so good, they made the song very enjoyable.

Japanese idols exists because they are there to satisfy people's sexual fantasies. Some idols, like Arashi, do more than that, like helping people in need. And that has helped them capture the love from young children and the elderly. Which proved that idols has evolved for a much wider audience. But that still doesn't change that they are just mere idols. The reason is the fact that they would never be taken seriously. They are not known as singers. Nor dancers. Nor actors. Nor comedians. They are just idols. And I think that sucks. Because they are doing what professionals are doing, but they aren't going to get the same respect as them. I have noticed comedians and talents on television are able to talk to/about them in a sort of impolite way. And I know that's basically their jobs. But I think they would've acted differently if they were talking to an actual professional. And this is the same with fans. When they see an idol, maybe meeting them on the streets or seeing them on TV, the reactions are usually the kyas, the screams, the crying, and thinking they saw god and such. But the reaction for a professional in the same situation might be just pure respect and admiration. Fans might ask them nicely for a signature, or tell them how much they inspire them, or how admiring their work is, or asking for a handshake, or a picture. They are able to talk to them normally, like an acquaintance. If I have to give examples. Take the recent 24-hr TV for instance. Kamenashi Kazuya went on a dart trip and met two women by the sea. All they could do at first was the kyas, and touching and looking at Kame's hot body and saying how kakkoii he is. Not that they can't do that, you know, people get admired in different ways, lol. But there were no sense of respect there. It was like they already knew him. Generally, the Japanese citizens are quite polite, and especially when they know they are being filmed. But think about it. I mean, when Aiba Masaki of Arashi had his baka image, the children he met was like "Aiba!". What happened to the "-san"??

It is scenes like these that make me think that idols, no matter what great things they achieve, will always be treated as just people who are there. No one really cares about their work. In the huge Japanese music industry, there are others who can actually sing! Others who actually creates their own work! Artists, who generally achieve success through their music. They don't need to be on a front page of a magazine. They don't need to appear on variety shows. Because a true artist sells with their work and not their image.

Idols being in the music scene is already an issue, but them being in the acting scene is even worse. Let me tell you why before you hate me. Acting is art. Now that we already know idols are not artists, you should know where this is going. Some idols, like Johnny's, begin acting on stage. And of course stage acting is great, it's definitely a way of art. But idols starring, let alone appearing, in television dramas and movies are just wrong. Because what would happen is that fans would watch the show because they wanted to see their idols. Okay, that's not even an issue. But there are lines that cannot be crossed. And let me tell you, idol fans are crazy. They let idols get into their heads, to the point where they don't even tell whether something is just not right to do. If you don't know what I mean, here are some examples. Arashi filmed the PV for Aoizora no Shita, Kimi no tonari outdoors. What do fans do? Tread all over the location, causing complaints! The fans was like, "I'm in the same spot as Arashi!" and "I'm breathing the same air!". I guess that's cool, they are your idols, I understand. But when you think about how ridiculous it make you look, you would start thinking, "Mm, this isn't right, that's messed up", but no, I feel like no one ever does that. It's like, idols has completely hypnotized you. You're in this little world where everything revolves around your idols. Where everything they do is right. A little bit of wrong, you instantly go on protection mode. A little bit of shade, you instantly go on protection mode. Fans like that thinks their idols are always perfect.

No. You're not a fan. You're just a stalker.

Recently, Johnny's Entertainment wrote on its website to tell fans off for stalking their talents. I think this was because Ninomiya Kazunari was stalked and the photos went online. And you know Johnny's, they are online stalkers, lol, so of course they would instantly know. So there you go. If it has gotten to the point where even Johnny's themselves had to say something, it's serious. It's serious, people. Don't be like that.

I don't know where this is going anymore. Oh yeah, idols acting. What I was saying is that professional actors has to put up with the fact that the lead is an idol and that their success is partially due to the fans who watches their shows because they have some messed up crazy obsession with the lead who stars in them, and not because they genuinely wanted to watch the work. I mean, how many idol fans are like, Gonna watch this drama because whowho is in it!, Gonna spend money on the movie goods because am collecting my idols!? Ohno Satoshi's recent starring movie Shinobi no Kuni was a hit. Why? Ohno's fans. I feel like (and I'm not throwing shade) Ohno's fans are the worst Arashi fans (in general, I'm not talking about you) because they have some kind of weird obsession with him that other members' fans don't have.

Because no one in their right minds would they ever bring penlights and uchiwas to the cinema! Have you seen them?? SO MESSED UP. They even had this thing where they let Ohno's fans in this cinema room, in which they play his movie and the fans would be waving their blue penlights and kyaing every time Ohno appears on the screen and they would be screaming "KAWAII!!". So gross!

When I saw it I just cringed so bad. I mean I admit, I'm an Ohno fan too. I find him cute as well. But that's it. Like, have you seen how crazy fans can be? There will be like, a poster or something, and the fans would be kissing them and licking their hoohas, like WTF?! Lol.

All I want to say about idol actors is that no matter how good they are at acting, they would not be seen as professionals. Because with acting, the actor are able to draw you into the character, the plotline, and an environment in a fictional world. With idols, you just see them as... them. Like, Oh, that's just Ohno Satoshi being kawaii or That's Matsumoto Jun being kakkoii. There's just this image that cannot be broken. And that cannot be changed. Like how they always play roles that are inside their comfort zone, roles that suits their "image". I don't know if it's because that's their acting ability limit or what. If that's the case then... please just don't appear in them. No one wants to see shitty acting. If you're so unprofessional, just don't do it. But the sad truth is, even pro actors themselves, some aren't even that good. Yes, they don't have the set image that idols have, but have you seen the recent younger ones?? Dang those are terrible.

There's another thing about idol actors that pisses me off. It is the amount of extra promotion they get. Actors usually remain pretty humble about the work they appear in. They would think, Oh it's okay if nobody knows we're in it, it's all for the enjoyment of the show. Because they want viewers to see them as the characters, and not a bunch of people acting on your TV screen.

Idols actors, what do they get? Extra magazine appearances. Extra variety show appearances. Extra news spots. I already complained about the ones for Ohno's movie, I'm going to say something about Sakurai Sho's upcoming drama. They are going to do that thing again, where they would play the show's trailer at least ten times every single day. And then Sho is going to appear in a lot of variety shows; have multiple promotional press conferences; be in a bunch of magazines; be interviewed on the news such as zip, pon! and News Zero (because why not, lol); have weird conversations about co-stars (on VS Arashi most likely); have new ships created by obsessive fangirls; going to random high schools and pretending to be a headteacher.

I mean, it's great for fans, I guess. But non-fans is going to be pissed. And by non-fans, I don't mean people who dislike them, I mean people in general, who are not interested at all. They would see it everywhere, which would annoy them. But then again, I'm a fan and I get annoyed, lol.

As I have said, idols don't really get taken seriously. But I think it's precisely because they don't get taken seriously, that's why they get taken seriously. What I mean is that fans can get so dominative because they are so serious about protecting their idols, that when something happen to them, for example, dating, they instantly scout the person out and chase them away like they are being robbed or something.

Recently, actress Takei Emi announced she got married and is pregnant. I mean she's an actress, you'd think she'd be okay. But apparently some agencies won't let them get away with such natural things like marriage and pregnancy. I get it, she might be in the wrong too. I mean, she signed a contract, she's responsible too. But why?? Why was this rule in the contract in the first place? I get it, her situation affects her schedule. But it's pregnancy! They could've accepted it in a mature manner and find ways to deal with the situation. Instead, they punished her by making her repay 1 billion yen for a breach of contract with the CMs!

But that's just the way the Japanese culture is, you know, the otaku culture, where everything has to be in a fantasy bubble. Anyone breaking any rules are basically doomed, lol.

To sum it up, being an idol is a shit job. It's temporary. It's non-professional. And it sucks.

In all seriousness, I decided to make this post because I want idol fans to really think about what they actually like. It would be great if we could stay as their fans, but at the same time able to look at them in a wider picture and point of view so that us, as fans, could stay happy, as well as our beloved idols, they too are able to trust us, knowing that we are supporting them from a distance. Only then, can both idol and fan, continue to live and love with ease and laughter.


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