Title:「I seek / Daylight
Artist: 嵐 (ARASHI)
Release date: 2016.05.18

Haven't done a song appreciation post in a while. I know I should've done one for Fukkatsu LOVE, but something happened and I couldn't get my copy of the single, so that made me unhappy so I didn't bother with a post. I'm sorry. Fukkatsu LOVE deserves its own justice. But now I've decided to get my depressing ass back on track and do a song review. Well, this time not one, but two at the same time. Because my favourite Arashi pairing, Juntoshi (Jun and Ohno), decided to star in dramas that air around the same time, so Arashi decided to sing both of the drama theme songs and then put both of the songs together in a single, to their dear fans' delight.

I used to write long posts on these things so to prevent wasting your precious time, I'm going to make this short and brief. Recently, I've been so busy with work and the fact that I'm moving houses, I've been lazy, sorry. But there is good news!! I'm joining Arashi's fanclub!! I'm going to be one of near 2 million fans who have joined! You're asking how, but I'm not gonna tell just cause I'm lame, haha. I hope moving would make my life in Hong Kong better, though, because recently I've been aching to go back to the UK, which I can't now that I've joined their fanclub. Well, Arashi basically rules my life now and they took my soul, so I can't complain no more. But anyway, on to the songs.

The single was released in three editions, due to it being a double-A side single, that's why they sold 400k in one day because us fans are crazy. Let me tell you something. No matter what Arashi puts out. They never disappoints. I mean, when I first heard I seek and Daylight, they didn't sound very... tempting, you know what I mean. Like, they sounded like your typical Arashi songs. I thought I seek sounded like a second version of AoiKimi. But for some reason Arashi's songs takes time to like, and once you start liking them, there's no stopping, and in come the non-stop looping like a music maniac, and it's extremely addictive. The addiction gets deepened after they perform the songs live. And then there will be some attached choreography that's just too catchy to ignore. So then the songs becomes so good, their existence becomes so much more worthy to the point where you won't think they are just some recycled trash they chuck out every once in a while. I thought the single covers were nice. Obviously the first limited edition is the best-looking, but all three versions together makes a great combination that they look really nice together.

I seek is the theme song to my sekai ichi idol's drama. Oh-chan tries to be cute and funny in this drama. I just thought Ohno look... different... in a romantic comedy. Maybe it's a good difference, but he look kind of out of place... And, I'm not trying to say anything bad here, it's just that Ohno has never had that kind of image and it feels weird. Haru helped him so much here, though. Haru was great casting. Because have you ever wondered what kind of woman would look good with Ohno Satoshi?? (*snickers*) I thought Haru look mature enough, which makes her seem like those strong women who could be strict yet yasashi, and would be able to look after someone like Ohno, who's so laid-back if they were married with kids, the kids would take advantage of their father to go against their mother, lol. Anyway, I'm glad the drama is doing well, even though it's dead-on a Matsumoto Jun-win. Yeah, Jun is the star of the season, so Ohno will get pushed back poor Ohno, shouldn't have put their dramas together so close like that. You get competition you see? It does not help their image at all.

But it gave us new songs at once so I guess it's fine. Speaking of Jun's drama, I cannot praise enough how good the drama is. I love it so much. Just those little scenes of humour is enough to get me. And I'm actually surprised by how well Jun's performance is. People had doubts I know. But wow, Jun actually does great outside the romance genre, and it makes me proud. I feel like Ohno is a bit weak with dramas like SekaiMuzu, it's hard to see past Ohno Satoshi and feel like he's someone else. But with 99.9, it's always Miyama Hiroto. I don't feel like I'm watching Jun. Which really surprised me, since it's always the other way around. But it's nice to see both members trying something new. I mean people always crave for new, but then complain they miss the old (*sigh*), which was what I was doing here just now lol. So, no more complaining! I also feel like Daylight is a much suited theme song for 99.9 than I seek for SekaiMuzu. I mean the whole feel and the instrumental kind of fits along with the soundtrack of the drama, and it just feels good to hear it after a long episode of Miyama solving a case, or whatever intense scene they put out at the end, it just fits so nicely.

So, what should I feel?

Ohno is my ichiban, I seek is great, the drama is okay. 99.9 is so good. Jun's perfect. Daylight is equally amazing.

I'm so sorry. Jun might win this one. Because there was bonus points from another perfection named Sakurai Sho with his perfect rap, which every fan loves so...

But let's stop comparing and enjoy the dramas.

Conclusion: 7.5 / 10 stars. I'm actually impressed with the sales numbers. It just proves that Arashi still has it in them. But god darn it, waited 3 freaking months for this single, I thought May would never come! And now it's June. Wow, time goes fast. That's so scary.


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