Can you believe it's been a year already? Me neither. Doesn't seem like that long ago when Arashi had their 15th Anniversary and those concerts in Hawaii that no one can forget. And of course I wasn't able to attend it, but I feel like I've accomplished many too. Last September, I just moved back to Hong Kong, and didn't know what to do with my life, but still got my very first job. And to me, getting your first job, and being payed , is definitely an accomplishment. And at that time, Arashi was celebrating their fifteenth year of being together. Now, I only started to become their fan at around January 2014, so I don't think I have, like, any rights to say anything about them before that, older fans know better. But like any other new interested artists, you look them up and their whole history just to know them more and realise how much you've missed. And if you're reading this, it means you're a fellow Arashi fan too, so I won't go on a ...