ACGHK 2015 (27/07/2015)

The 17th Choice of Animation, Comics & Games Expo Anime, Gundam, Kamen Rider, Ultra Man, Marvel, Avengers, Star Wars, Disney, Hello Kitty, Doreamon, Funassyi, Yo-Kai Watch, Vanguard, Yu-Gi-Oh, J-Pop, Assasination Classroom, Attack on Titan, One Piece, Cosplay, Playstation, Xbox, Window 10, Manga, Comic, Manga, Manga... and more Manga. On Monday, I had a day of a lifetime, seeing so much things I love. Life has been busy so it has taken me so long to write this post. I went with my sister, and there was this one main point why this day has been so great. Is the fact that nearly all the people who attended this festival were young adults like me, and... very nerdy. You know how I mentioned I rarely see people my age these days, and that they have seemed to have vanished from my world, and that all that's left is annoying children, bitchy adults and super dumb elderly people??? That's why seeing young adults like me are such a huge deal to me! An...