Kubota Masataka STILL creeps me out and Fujigaya Taisuke is STILL SO HOT

Title:「MARS~ただ, 君を愛してる~」 Release Date: 2016.06.18 I made a review not long ago here about the Japanese television drama. I have to say, the drama movie sequel was definitely a much better and satisfying watch. Not much have changed about the awkwardness of it, but it was a movie which gave me warm fuzzy feelings as Kis-My-Ft2's Gravity began playing when the credits started rolling. I was honestly so touched by this movie I'm actually impressed with it. Not that there's anything special about it, but the relationship between Rei and Kira just moved me. Kubota's role as Makio in this was just to be the really annoying asshole who always gets in the way of the two lovers. His character wasn't just annoying, though. He was a complete psycho. I thought I needed to go to a psychiatrist after I watched this. Because it was just so confusing, I think the message was expressed in the wrong way. I'm glad that the characters, Harumi and T...