Christmas means Aiba's birthday!!

These are like the 3 months birthday posts or something. Ohno, Aiba, then Sho. Seriously. I'm so sorry I've been so busy with life and well, collecting Arashi stuff, that I didn't have time to even show you what I've collected. Sigh. Anyway, let's get onto what this post is about. Aiba Masaki has come a long way, and he did take some time to get into my heart. And even though I love him now, there was a time in the beginning where I didn't pay much notice of him. And I even found him annoying. But things changed, and now I have a different view on Aiba Masaki. He is one precious and special person. And that is a fact, not opinion. Aiba is sunshine. He is happiness. He is the dorky, loveable, baka that everyone loves. His baka image kind of faded in recent years, but he remain to be the always-smiling, always-laughing, Aiba. The one with the teddy-bear-huggy voice. The one who shrugs off negativities. The one who smiles through even hardships and full of enthus...