Drama Thoughts: Death Note

Title:「デスノート」 Run time: 2015.07.05 - 09.13, Sunday 10:30pm I'm so sorry, I've been so lazy with this blog that a post that's supposed to have been finished last month is finally up now. (Sigh) Anyway, I remember back in April, when this drama was first announced, I was freaking out because I thought they were going to mess up my childhood goodness. But what was the result? I got so hooked on it I couldn't stop. I really have to say the producers have done a pretty good job with this, despite all the negative responses. I mean, there are flaws, but I don't care because Light and L is hot. *^O^* I'm going to say it again, Death Note has been with me since I was 10 years old (well, that's the year it was released, lol). Read the manga, seen the anime series like over 10 times, and I love it so much. When the live-action movies came out I didn't mind, although I didn't really like them because Light was ugly (I'm sorry, Fujiwara Tatsuya). B...